Twilight 10: So, now what?

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I was eating my cereal in the kitchen when all a sudden I heard a hunk outside and then Bells running down the stairs. She turns to me and smiles.

"We have a ride, let's go," she said leaving me here.

"What?" I said with a mouthful full of cereal.

"Hey wait I gotta brush my teeth" I called out to her.

When I washed my bowl, went up to the bathroom to wash my teeth I went outside and seen why Bella was in a hurry. Edward was outside waiting for me. As I closed the door behind me Edward and Bella turn to me.

"Well, this is unexpected. Who would have known that you're actually a Prince Charming" I said smirking.

Bella rolled her eyes and Edward smirks.

"Disappointed that your Prince Charming didn't show up?" 

Edward said making me roll my eyes. 

"Whatever called front seat," I said walking towards them.

Bella turns to me and frowns.

"Why?" she asked as I walk to the passenger seat.

"Because people will be shocked that I came out of the front seat instead of you," I said smiling at her.

"And besides imagine what they'll be thinking, 'What? Edward and Annie together? How did that happen?" I said in a fake shocking voice.

Edward chuckles and Bella rolls her eyes while smiling. 

"Just for today and after school you'll have front since they'll all know," I said,

Bella sighs and nods, she heads to the back and Edward opens the door. She thanked him as she gets inside. Suddenly I felt a rush of air next to me, turning around I see Edward there smirking at me.

"Let me get the door for you, my lady," he said.

I moved aside so he can open the door.

"Why thank you, my good sir," I said smiling.

Getting inside his car I turn around to Bella as Edward closed the door.

"You got yourself a gentleman," I said. 

I smiled at Bella she turns away blushing and Edward comes in with a smirk. I turn to him and he turns to me.

"Well Mr. Chaming lets do this" 

Edward chuckles starting the engine and we head to school. And just like I predicted, everyone was shocked that I came out of Edward's car. I turned to Edward,

"Did they?" I asked whispering.

Edward turns to me and he knew what I meant. He smirked and nods. 

"I knew it,"I said laughing.

Edward smiles and goes to open the door, Bella. Edward then puts his arms around Bella's shoulder and we walk towards the school. I turn to see our friend all shocked and I winked at them. Suddenly I felt someone pulls me to them. I look up and see Jasper smiling at me, holding me by my waist.

"So you came with my brother but decline my offer to pick you up this morning. Umm, now what does that say." Jasper said with a mischievous smirk.

"In my defense good sir, I didn't know he was coming. But if you like, you can have the honor of picking me up tomorrow morning" I said smiling.

"I'll be my honor, madam," he says.

I smile at him, it seems that I been smiling more thanks to him. Jasper smiles at me and stars at my eyes. My eyes slowly glaze down his perfect face until I started at his lips, I didn't know know why but I just had to lick my lips. I felt my waist tighten a little and I looked back up at Jasper. His eyes were darkening with an emotion that I knew would one day get me in trouble. 

Twilight: AnneMarie Charlotte SwanWhere stories live. Discover now