Twilight 7: New friends

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Today wasn't my day at all. Once again, I woke up with a bad headache. I fell down the stairs causing my head to hurt more. I slipped climbing down the truck. My school bag ripped making all my things scattered all over the floor. I wasn't even mad at that but the fact that Jasper saw me and literally just watched me. He stood there and watched me get down and picked up my things piece by piece. He didn't even fucken help me. And when we were in the hallway he bumped into me causing me to hit the lockers. I turned to him but he continues to walk. That isn't the beginning, during Government class, he screamed at me for not knowing an answer. Sorry, I didn't know what was the Virginia Plan. Not all of us are over 150 years old and know everything because we repeated high school for the billion of time!!!!!! And then when lunch rolled around he knocked down my tray and didn't even apologized, helped me, or even freaken looked down. He continues to walk leaving me to pick up the mess. Thankfully Jake was there to help me. Jake even apologized for Jasper.  Honestly, I felt attack, I was being brutally mistreated for no apparent reason. I mean what the fuck did I do to him so he can act like a total jackass? All I did was touched his hand but apparently, that's a no-no to Jasper. So my fucken punishment is being treated like shit by him. 

Coming out my chem class, I notice Jasper, Alice, and Edward waiting for Rosalie and Emmett. I saw Rosalie and Emmett reached them and they all turned to me. I waited for them to leave or at least move aside. They were blocking my way to get to the gym. I was having an intense staredown with Jasper. Suddenly my vision was all black, shaking my head I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again I wasn't in the school's hallway. I was in the middle of the forest. Confused I looked around trying to figure how in the world I was here. I was about to walk but stopped when I heard someone's crying. Turning away I was shocked to see what was in front of me. 

Directly in front of me was me. But this me wasn't me she was different. This me was standing there crying, a spot of light shining underneath her. She was absolutely beautiful, breathtaking,  pale white skin shining like a diamond, long wavy chocolate brown hair, but what shocked me wasn't how beautiful she was. It shocked me that she resembles someone else. She had bright red ruby eyes, instead of crying regular tears she had red blood tears coming down her perfectly pale face. She held something in her hand which I couldn't quite place. She looks at me and begins to scream.


When this me began to scream, I backed away from her as she steps closer to me. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what was going on. I felt something touched my feet, looking down I saw my father's dead body laying there. I saw his empty cold eyes staring at me. I looked at father's body with wide eyes. I covered my mouth from screaming. I heard someone's bitter laugh. Looking up I saw myself, laughing holding Bella. Bella was looking at me scared, tears coming down her face.

"Jazz help," she said in a shaky voice.

Bella continues to cry and once again my different self-laughed.

"He can't sweetheart," she told Bella and then she looks at me.


She yelled out before biting into Bella's neck. Bella screamed out in pain. I launched forward but before I could reach Bella I was magically brought back to the school's hallway. 

I blinked back tears, I turned around and saw everything as it was before. However, Edward was staring at me with wide eyes, almost as scared as me. I turned to him, tears threatening to fall out. I turn to Jasper who looked at me with concern. Ignoring them I ran straight past them so I could head to the gym. I heard Jasper and Alice call out to me but I ignored them. I ran to the gym and went to the girl's restroom. I locked myself in one of the stalls trying to calm myself. Trying to come up with some kind of explanation when I couldn't, I gather all of my courage and left the stall. I tried to clean myself before leaving the restroom. 

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