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"There are those who say fate is something beyond our command, that destiny is not our own. But I know better. Our fate lives within us... you only have to be brave enough to see it." -Merida, Brave

~~~~~~~~Four year later~~~~~~~~

"One of our traditions at this University is to select one graduate to deliver a special speech on behalf of the class. This year we decided to go with Jenny Morrison" Dr. Henry Mills said and some students cheered. He looks over at me and smiles. My friend, Jasmine hugs me and Dr. Mills looks ahead.

"She may not be known to you, but umm, Jenny is known to some students, she has pack herself in the campus with experience and extra curriculum activities. She earned a double major in both science and arts. All while maintaining a spot in her theater arts as the lead actress, but only that. Outside of the classroom, Jenny has served on our student government board and was an active member of the girl's fraternity—" the girls and some guys all cheered.

"—She also worked as a pathfinder, as a tour to new students and their families. But there is more to Jenny than just these few highlights but it's really her story to tell. So ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming your classmate, Jenny Morrison" Dr. Mills said and I get up and start to walk over there. My fellow classmates cheered and applauded. Dr. Mills hugged me and I hugged back, thanking him. I got up there and stared out into the room. There are many students graduating today and many of their friends, families, and relatives are here today to show them their love and support.

"Why do you have paper?" I heard one of the students asked and I looked at her and smile.

"Sorry, don't have an iPad," I said to her and she nods. I start to get my things ready, taking out my paper from the folder. When I got everything ready I looked ahead with my biggest and brightest smile.

"Good morning—" they cheered.

"Thank you, Dr. Mills, for that amazing introduction. And thank you for over exaggerating my achievements. I'm positive I'll be getting some phone calls from potential jobs," I said making some laugh. 

"So here we are, class of 2017, we did it!--" they whistled and cheered.

"Yeah, feels amazing, huh. All our hard work actually paid off. All those late nights doing homework, all those quizzes, tests, carrying around heavy books that caused us hundreds only to be used for one hour and then that was it. I mean couldn't they reduce the size of the books we gotta carry? They're huge, they weight a ton--"I laughed along with my classmates. A kid yelled out 'she's right' we turned to him and laughed. 

"I have one question, well actually, two questions. What's next? What do we do now? I think that's our biggest question right now. What do we do next? What is there to do? I mean some of us already have job offers lined up, but some of us don't. So for those who don't, what are we going to do?" I asking looking around the room.

"Well let me give you a piece of advice that a little friend of mine once said. 'Just keep swimming'--"I said in Dory's voice and they whistle and cheered. 

As I continued to give my speech, I looked at the student's faces, and I swear I saw him there. Sitting on one of the chairs smiling at me. I swear I saw his bright golden eyes staring at me, looking so proud of me. I knew if he was real, he would be proud, and I knew he would be right there, supporting me. When I finished my speech they all cheered and clapped. I went back to my spot and Jasmine hugged me again. I looked at the spot where I thought I saw him but he wasn't there when I looked again. Sighing, I paid attention to the ceremony. As I went to receive my diploma, I heard Charlie's and Rene's voices, telling me how proud there were. I turned to the crowd, hoping I'll see my real parents, but as expected they weren't there. My mother was somewhere in Paris doing something with her friends while my father was in town attending a meeting. Finally, they announced that we were officially graduated, the students from below threw their caps up in the air. 

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