Eclipse 8: you're back

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The following day, Bella and I went to the Cullens house. Bella hasn't brought up last night incident and I am glad. I am not ready for it nor do I want to talk about it. Entering the house I see Carlisle, Jasper, and Emmett watching the t.v. Confused I went over there and sat on Jasper's lap. He wraps his arm around my waist but doesn't look away from the t.v.

"Seattle is in a state of terror. Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances-" Carlisle turns off the tv. 

"It's getting worse, we're going to have to do something," Carlisle said turning to his sons. Edward and Jasper were both concerned but Emmett looked intrigued.

"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting. Quite a few more. They're undisciplined, conspicuous" I cut off Jasper.

"Newborns," I said making them all turn to me.

"What? I know some stuff" I said crossing my arms. 

"What, like new vampires?" Bella asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Bella, of course, new vampires," I said and she rolls her eyes. 

"In their first few months after the change," Edward said concerned.

"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable, vicious, insane with thirst," Jasper said tightening his hold on me. 

"Something to look forward to," Emmett said crushing his fingers. 

"You like fighting, huh?" I asked and Emmett smirks. 

Before anyone said anything they all turned to the front door. Edward narrowed his eyes, Emmett and Carlisle just stared and Jasper growled a little. Bella and I were confused as to why they were quiet all a sudden. Jasper turns to me with a stare telling me no to go. Confused I got up but Jasper held my hand, not wanting me to go. I let go of his hand and I walked over to the front door. Once I saw who it was, smiling I ran outside to greet him. Outside the house, was the man who been missing for the past few days.

"Where the fuck have you been?" I asked hugging him. He hugs back and spins me around. When he puts me down he stares at me and smiles.

"Told you, I had a family emergency," he said. 

"But it was super long" I whined and he laughs. 

"If I knew you would miss that much I would have stayed a little longer" he smirks and I hit his shoulder. Once again he laughs and I smile at him. When he stops laughing he turns around and I followed, outside the others stood in front of the house. Bella was smiling at us, Carlisle and Emmett were staring, Edward had his eyes narrowed, and Jasper... he didn't look so happy. 

"Come let me introduce you to them," I said walking but Dean held me back. Confused I turn to him and he wasn't smiling. He had an expression that I have never seen before. His eyes weren't warm and friendly but were hard and cold. 

"Dean?" I asked. He looks down and his eyes returned to their warmness. Smiling he motions me to go ahead. Confused I did but this time I held his hand so he'll go with me. Walking towards the others it felt weird, almost tense. I knew that they were somewhat enemies, I mean Dean's an angel and the Cullens are vampires. 

"Dean these are the Cullens, Dr. Carlisel Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Edward Cullen, and Jasper Hale. My boyfriend" I said walking to Jasper. I wasn't expecting a very happy expression from him but then again I wasn't expecting anything at all. However, Dean's reaction wasn't something I was even expecting... at all.

"Your boyfriend?" he asked smiling. I knew, I just knew his smile wasn't genuine. 

"Yes, I'm her boyfriend," Jasper said wrapping his arm around my waist. Something flashed in Dean's eye but I couldn't place what it was. Dean's smile grew and he laughed a little.

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