Eclipse 7: Tribe History

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It's been a couple of days since the Cullens and the pack been working together. It's not too well but hey at least they haven't killed each other. Wait, no scratch that they have. Three days ago Jake and Edward had a little-heated argument over something trifle. Those two can't be put in the same room without causing a world war. It's worse when Emmett and Paul come together, they actually get into physical fights with each other. The first time it happens Edward nor Jake did anything but watched. They only stopped it when I went to stop it and knowing I would get killed, they had to stop it. 

Dean hasn't been back from wherever he's at. I tried and tried calling him I even tried praying to him but no answer. I'm getting worried and scared. What if something happened to him and I didn't even know. Jasper has been keeping my emotions in check lately, everything isn't looking so well for us. 

Today, the Cullens were going to hunt leaving Bella and I with the pack. Edward, Jasper, Bella and I were going to meet Jake at the Treaty line. Jake was standing next to Billy's truck without a shirt, again. 

"Doesn't he own a shirt?" Edward says.

"Jealous much?" I teased Edward and he rolls his eyes. Jasper pulls me close to him and he laughs at my comment.

"We're good here. You should go" Bella tells Edward.

"I'm not going to be long," Edward tells Bella.

"Don't rush. You need to hunt" Bella tells Edward. He leans down and giver her a passionate kiss. "Ok, maybe rush a little," Bella says dazedly. Bella looks at me, asking if im ready and I nod. I turn to Jasper and smiled, knowing he doesn't like it whenever we go over there. I place my hand on his chest.

"Hey, it'll be alright. You guys do what you gotta do. We'll be safe" I said before kissing Jasper. I was going to pull away but he pulled me closer. And just like Edward, Jasper gives me a. passionately kiss making me not pull away... ever. He pulls from me with a smirk. Realizing what he just did I glare at him an hit his chest. "I hate it when you do that," I say making him laugh. I rolled my eyes and turned around. But Jasper pulls me back for another kiss. Jasper pulls away, stared into my eyes, and smiles. "I love you," he says melting my poor heart. I smile at him and gave him another kiss. "I love you too,"I say smiling at him.

"Hurry up" Jake yells at us. Jasper rolls his eyes and I smile, shaking my head. 

"Bye, see you later" I kissed Jasper one more time before pulling Bella with me. 

We walked to Jake and he pulls Bella and me for a hug. Going inside the truck, he asked what us what we wanted to today. He also said that we were going to a party. I got excited because I knew what 'party' he meant and I couldn't wait. During the day, Jake, Bella, and I went hiking. Night time falls and we headed to the Rez. I see the pack and the council around a campfire, laughing. Billy sits in the middle of the circle, Quil's grandfather sits on his right side and Sue Clearwater sits on the other side. The whole pack is there: Jared, Paul, Quil, Embry, Sam, with Emily by his side, and a grumpy Leah. Jake, Bella, and I walk towards them.

"You sure this is okay? I really hate being party crashed" Bella says, making me nod.

"Technically, you two are council meeting crashing. See, the council leaders dad, Quil's grandpa, and Sue Clearwater. She took over when Harry died." Jake inform us.

"Oh, maybe we shouldn't be here," I tell Jake.

"You two are okay. I thought... I mean they thought it was a good idea for you two to hear some tribe history." Jake tells us.

"The histories? The Tribe's Histories? Aren't they secret?" Bella tells Jake.

"We all got a role to play and you two are apart of this. And plus this is the first time Seth, Leah, and Quil will hear them too. But you two are the first outsiders, Ever" Jake says to us.

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