New Moon 4: Goodbye

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The following day I stayed home since Carlisle told my father I couldn't go to school. I was alright with not going, I wasn't up for it anyways. People would just stare at my neck and whisper some horrible things about my father being abusive or say it's Jasper. Jasper wasn't here in the morning which I expected. Since i knew what was going to happen I spent my morning waiting for the inevitable to happen. I waited for him to come to tell me lies so he can break my heart.

It was around afternoon when Jasper finally came. I turn to stare at him however, he wasn't looking at me. He kept on staring at the wall. Minutes passed by and when he finally turns to me he has this blank face. Showing no emotions whatsoever, it's blank and that's when I knew this was it. That's when I knew it was all over. He's going to leave me here and frankly, I don't know if I could forgive.

"We're leaving Forks," Jasper said in a nonchalant voice.

I stared at him and nod. I mean what could I say? Stay? I know he wouldn't. Jasper said at the handprint on my neck and quickly looked away. I saw his fist tighten a little before he looks at me with the same blank face. He stares at me for a few seconds before turning away, but before he could leave I called out to him.

"Jasper" my voice cracked at the end.

Jasper stopped but didn't turn around. He stayed like that so I continue.

"You leave now, everything we been through will go to trash. And when you come-" 

I stopped when Jasper laughed. I stared at him shocked that he would laugh. He turns around and laughs in my face.

"You think I care if you forgive me or not? Annie, everything we went through meant nothing to me. You're just another human" he said.

I was hurt, beyond hurt I was disappointed. I understand that he'll have to say some mean words to let me go but this was too much. 

"You mean nothing to me. Alice is the love of my life. This is what we do, we like playing with-"

"Don't you dare bring her in this. This is about me and you. Don't you bad talk about Alice. Just because your a coward doesn-" 

I stopped when he growled at me and for a split second, I became afraid of him. I back away from him and he saw that. 

"You're scared," he said 

And for a split second, he let me see how he truly felt. His eyes showed hurt but he looked away and turn to me with a smirk. 

"Pathetic, you humans are weak. Well, it was nice having fun with you, " he said.

"Jasper don't you do this. Don't stand there and lie to me. Don't dare lie-"

"Who said I was lying? I'm not. Why would I lie to you?" he asked tilting his head sideways.

"Jasper don't you lie to me. I know you, so please don't lie. Please, I beg of you. If you want to leave then leave. Don't stand there and tell me lies. Don't you stand there and lie to my face because lying makes it worst. If you wanted to leave without hurting me you could have left without saying anything. I rather have you leave without saying anything instead of you hurting me, lying to my face. I don't want to hear those damn lies. Wanna choose the easy way out, fine. But don't forget this. If you leave I can't promise you'll see me again. I won't wait, I won't stay for you. You leave out this door and that's it.," I said as tears fell.

Jasper laughed once again. 

"Oh honey you don't know me at all," he said smirking. 

"I don't love you. I don't need you and I don't want you. How could I when I have someone like Alice? When I leave here I won't even remember you. I won't even recall your name or how you look like. You're just another human who will die soon. You mean nothing to me, Annie. You never had and never will. To be honest, I only wanted you for the sex and it wasn't so hard to get." he said.

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