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3rd POV:

Back at the Cullen's house, Annie briefly told them what happened to her after she died but she didn't go into detail, she wanted Jasper to only know. She explained the deal she had with Dean. The whole purpose of her veil, the reason why she couldn't reveal her identity to them. After finding out the reason they were all happy that none of them actually knew it was her, they didn't want to lose you again. After Annie's explanation, the witnesses said their goodbyes.

"So this is your mysterious mate," Charlotte said. Annie hugged Jasper and nod. Jasper wraps his arms around Annie, looking down at her smiling.

"Now I know why William said we wouldn't want to piss him off," Peter said smirking at Annie and she rolls her eyes.

"He does have a temper," Charlotte says smiling. Annie and Peter laugh. Jasper looks down at his mate, wondering what they're talking about.

"What are you guys talking about?" Jasper asked and the three of them smiled.

"Oh nothing," Annie says. The four of them talked for a little while before Peter and Charlotte left, promising to come and visit.

As the last witnesses left they all turned to Annie and Jasper. Renesmee ran to her aunt and jumped on her. Annie picked her up and held her up.

"You're my aunt," Nessie says and Annie smiles.

"Yes I am," Annie replies before hugging her.

Annie puts Nessie down and turns to the other who were smiling at her. Annie turns to William who was in the back and walks towards him. William stares at her confused, she grabs his hand and pulls him to the others. The Cullens stared at them confused. Annie and William stop in front of them.

"Guys, this is William. My brother," Annie said formally introducing William to the gang. They all smiled at him and Jasper walks up to him.

"Thank you for keeping her safe while I couldn't," Jasper said extending his hand out to William. He looks at it before shaking it.

"Thank you for recognizing her," William said seriously. Jasper turns to Annie and smiles.

"She's my mate, of course, I'll recognize her," Jasper said staring at Annie a smile.

"Oh, talking about mates," Annie pulled William towards Alice who was smiling at William.

"Alice this is William. William this is Alice, the girl you're have been thinking about" Annie said. William turns to slightly glares but his expressions soften when he hears Alice's giggle. William turned to Alice both stared at each other with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Alice," Alice said and William's smile grew.

"Hello, I'm William," he said extending his hand out to her. Annie went back to Jasper. They watched William and Alice talk to each other.

Once again the Cullen went inside their house but this time their family was complete. Annie was back with them and she wasn't going anywhere. In the night time, Jasper and Annie left the house to have some alone time. They were to their favorite spot by the cliff. Like before Jasper took his car and drove Annie over there. And like before Jasper helped Annie out the car and the both of them sat on top of the hood looking at the stars. Annie's head laying on Jasper's chest as Jasper's hand wrapped protectively around Annie. Although it was quiet they enjoyed it. Annie looks up to Jasper just to see him staring down at her. She smiles up at him.

"I love you," Annie whispers to him.

"And I love you," Jasper says smiling. He leans down to Annie and kisses her. They share yet another passionate kiss.

"I have something to show you," Annie tells Jasper.

"What is it love," he asked. Annie touched Jasper's cheek and shows him her life. He has seen it all, all of Annie's thoughts and memories. He has seen their time together from the very first moment they met everything that's happened to up to now. She showed him her life as Jenny, her life as Annie, going back as Jenny and coming back as Hazel. She kept nothing hidden no more secret between them. When Annie let Jasper go he looks at amazed. He didn't realize that Annie been through so much. Even though he has been alive longer than her, she has been through what many wouldn't survive. Three didn't lives and each one of them she chose him. She continues to choose him over everyone and anything. Now Jaspers know that nobody has loved him as much as Annie loves him.

"I love you," Jasper said and he couldn't help but smile at her.

"And I love you," Annie said kissing Jasper.

"Forever," he said staring into her eyes.

"Forever," Annie pulled Jasper for another kiss.


Author's Note:

Thank you everyone for giving my book a chance. Thank you for all the love and suppose you have shown throughout the months. I love you all!!!

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