B.D: It can't be

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Edward and Bella have been gone for a whole week. During the wedding, Charlie surprised us all with a little gift. A video of Annie, it was good to see her all happy and healthy. I wished she could still be here. I wish she could be here with him. Throughout the whole video, I couldn't help but feel like she knew she wasn't going to make it. It felt as though this was her way of saying goodbye to us, a goodbye she didn't want.

Ever since the wedding, he locked himself in his room. He doesn't talk, doesn't hunt, he just sits on his bed, staring at the engagement ring he was going to give Annie. He would say her name now and then, it seems as though he's talking to her. I think he finally lost his mind, I mean I wouldn't blame him. He lost his mate and yet he's still here. I don't know what's going on his mind, he doesn't communicate with us, he only talks to his imaginary Annie. But I do hope he doesn't try to do what Edward did last year.

Currently, we'll all in the living room, well besides Jasper who locked himself in his room. Emmett is playing his game, Esme is on her laptop designing the new house in England and Carlisle is reading a book. Alice keeps looking up to the room, she gets up but then sits back down. Debating if she should go up there an talk to him. Finally, she sits back down and sighs.

"He needs time, honey," Esme tells Alice and she nods.

"I know but all he does is sit on his bed and start at the ring. Which he still hasn't let me see," she said pouting. On Annie's 18t birthday, Jasper was going to ask Annie to marry him but that never happened. Instead, we left them here in Forks and when we came back Annie wouldn't act the same around us. Unlike Bella, Annie would distance herself from us. She would hang out with that traitor Dean and those mutts. Just by thinking of that asshole, I get angry. When I see him again I won't hesitate to kill him myself, I don't care if he's an angel or whatever he is. He took my only friend away from me, he took Jasper's mate from him, he hurt my family and I swear he's dead when I see him again.

Suddenly Alice gasp and looks ahead, she's having a vision. We all stop and stare at her, judging by her expression whatever she's seeing isn't good. She comes out of it but ignores our questions. She grabs her phone and dials someone. We hear it ring on the other side and see Alice with an irritated yet concern expression.

"Bella? Are you alright?" Alice asked.

"Why? What's wrong? I just..." she trails off and Bella answers. She listens to whatever Bella said and Alice turns to Carlisle.

"Here's Carlisle," Alice said giving Carlisle the phone which he looks confused about. Alice stands by him and listens to the conversation.

"Bella, what's going on?" he asked.

"Has Edward been harmed?" he asked concerned. Bella said something and his eyes widen.

"I don't know," he said concerned now.

"The sooner Bella's here, the sooner we can find out what it is. I need you to get to the mainland at once," Carlisle said walking to his library and we all follow. Carlisle began looking through some books but when Emse stopped him he looks at her with worried.

"Bella, she's pregnant," he said shocking us all.

"W-what?" a voice asked. We all turned around and see Jasper staring at Carlisle with eyes wide.

"What do you mean? How is that even possible," he asked in an angry tone.

"Jasper, I don't know. Edward's bring her home. We gotta find out what it is before it's too late" Carlisle said. We started at Jasper and he angrily turns around and leaves. Alice follows after him leaving us feeling bad for him.

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