New Moon 8: Dumb Embry

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Apparently fixing bike takes longer than expected. Its been two weeks already and still nothing. Every time we believed we fixed it, it didn't work. I mean I don't mind working on these bikes but damn, it's was taking forever. Bella and I been hanging out with the boy often. I was getting closer to Embry but I only saw him as a friend and he knew it. I would notice Sam and his friends around the Rez and they would always stare at me. I don't know what they want but it kinda creeps me out. I don't have anything against them but I don't like that they stare... A LOT!

It was a Saturday where we all agreed to hang out and Embry didn't come. I tried to call him many times but he didn't answer. I thought it was because I turned him down but that wasn't the case. He wasn't answering Jakes or Quils calls either. The following day Jake called me, telling me that Embry has mono. I wanted to go visit him but it's 'contagious'. But I knew the truth Embry finally phase.

A week later I spotted Sam, Jared, Paul, and Embry walking around the Rez. I thought it would be nice to see if Embry had a little time.

"Embry" I called out to him.

They all turned around and I wasn't expecting for Embry to glare at me. I thought it would be Paul or even Jared but not Embry.

"What do you want?" Embry rudely asked.

"Excuse me? What's up with you?" I asked.

"Nothing is wrong with me" Embry scoff.

"Well, it sure doesn't look like it. You cut your hair and got a tat-.... Oh, I get it. He told you" I said looking at Sam.

"Yeah, he told me everything. I can't believe you actually went out with a leech" Embry said making me glare at him.

"Hey watch it,"I said getting angry.

"What are you going to tell your little leech boyfriend? I wait, I forgot he left you" he said.

I stared at him stunned and hurt. What is it with people always reminding me?

"Embry," Sam said in his alpha voice

I turn to Sam and glared at him. Is he trying to make everyone hate me?

"You're an ASS," I said glaring at Sam

"And so are you," I said turning to Embry.

I walked away and since then I haven't seen or talked to them.

Jake, Bell, and I went to try out the bikes on an empty road. However, we saw Sam and his stupid pack by a cliff. Jared and Paul were trying to push Embry off the cliff while Sam stayed back laughing. Bella was shocked to find out it was Embry she turns to me gave me a sad smile, I just shrugged and listen to Jake explain to us what happened to Embry. He also told us that Sam is watching him like hawks, waiting for something to happen. I told him if anything happens he could my dad. Jake laughed and said I should handle Sam for him. During our little experiment with the bikes, Bella managed to get a small cut on her head. After that, she started to tell Jake that he was beautiful making me laugh out loud which wasn't the best thing to do.

Bella and I started to hang out with the gang again. The gang decided to go watch the new scary movie and we all agreed. I invite Quil and Bella was inviting Jake. That day came and only Mike, Bella, Jake and I made it to the movies. Angela was sick, Eric stayed with her, Quil couldn't his mother didn't let him and Jessica had a date with some dude. Throughout the whole movie, Mike and Jake were competing on getting Bella attention. I found it very amusing to watch. I didn't care nor did I feel jealous. I was actually glad I wasn't Bella at the moment. Halfway through the movie, Mike couldn't hold in his vomit. He claims he wasn't feeling well that's why he vomited and it wasn't because of the movie. I didn't believe him because it's Mike. All of a sudden Jake started to burn up. He said that he didn't feel good, I offered to drive him home but he decline. He just wanted to alone.

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