Eclipse 1: Who's the new kid?

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DISCLAIMER: All the characters belong to Stephenie Meyers. The only thing that belongs to me is Annie Swan, her plot and some extra characters. The new character that will join us is very much loved, appreciated, and respected. I hope you see my humor in this and I hope you see why I choose this particular character/actor.

PLOT: Graduation is around the corner. Annie, Bella, the Cullens, and the pack are still looking out for Victoria. As Bella forgives Edward and his family. It's a little harder for Annie to do so. She has forgiven the family because they didn't really hurt her, the person who she must forgive is Jasper. However, before she is ready to forgive Jasper she must learn to forgive herself. She must learn to forgive and move on, but until then she'll continue to be bitter and angry.

Can Jasper fix the damage he has caused his mate or will someone else come in between them? Will this new person steal Annie away? Why is this person so determined to get Annie's attention? Who is this new person? Why is he here? And what's the secret he's hiding from everyone? With the upcoming battle will Annie's big secret finally be revealed? Will she survive the upcoming battle or is the mysterious figure right, is her time up? Follow Annie in her new adventure. Dealing with vampires, werewolves, and the supernatural will Annie stay sane? Can a girl ever get a break from all of this?


It's been two weeks since the Cullens came back. Alice, Jasper, and Edward came back to finish their 'last year' here in Forks. Since they came back, Bella has been all about Edward again. It's pretty annoying seeing them like that. Dad still grounded us however, we were allowed to see the Cullens but we had a curfew. Well mostly Bella, I went straight home after school or I'll be with Jessica and Angela. Bella rides with Edward and I take the truck, well now it's mine since I'm the only one who drives that old thing. I went to the Rez last weekend and it went as expected. Once Leah saw me, she tried to kill me. And as expected she turned into a massive fucken wolf and tried to murder my sorry ass. Not so tough when you have a 200lb of pure muscle and death right in front of you. Luckily she transformed when Sam was around and he saved me, thankfully she didn't get a chance to mark me. I don't know if my body is stable enough to receive another wound.

I haven't slept peacefully, I still get nightmare about mostly everything. I know Jasper tries to get in my room because I always find my window opened even after I nailed it shut. So I don't even bother anymore. I know he won't come to my room if I am awake so I stay up. If I don't go to sleep in my room I either go to Emily's and take a nap or I sleep in between class. I know it's dramatic but Jasper doesn't get the hint to stay away from me.

We're supposed to have a new kid in school. Jessica's been none stop talking about it. She said the boy lives a few houses away from Mike and is 'omg smoking hot'. I laughed at her because even though she still sprung on Mike she tries to make him jealous by talking about other dudes. Edward, Alice, and Jasper started to sit with us at lunch. At first, it was awkward for the group but they got used to it. I, on the other hand, hated it. This was the only place in school where I didn't have to sit next to one of them.


3rd POV:

In the cafeteria, Bella, Edward, Alice, and Jasper were all sitting down with the humans enjoying the little time they had before going back to class. It was like any other day, expect today a new student joined them. Today was the first day of this student and since this new student, lived a couple of houses away from Mike, he decided he'll let the new kid sit with him and his friends. Angela, Jessica, and Lauren were all happy and giggly when they saw him sitting at their table with Mike. Tyler and Eric weren't so thrilled but they gave the guy a chance. The new kid had every girl falling for his candy green eyes and his charming and sexy smile. Some even said he was better looking than the Cullen boys.

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