New Moon 6: Ladies night

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It's been about two weeks and a half weeks since my fight with Leah. And just like promised dad didn't let Jake or anyone visit me. He was disappointed but hey what did he expect? Let myself be called a slut in front of everyone, no thank you. I could tell dad was getting tired of my bad attitude and Bella's constant waking up in the middle of the night screaming. 

Then one day when dad came into the living room and finally snapped. Bella was sitting in the middle of the couch zoning out and I was watching t.v. 

"Alright, that it! You're going back to Jacksonville" Charlie tells Bella.

I turn to him and raised my eyebrow at him. However, Bella snapping her from her dream world and turned to him.

"W-what?" Bella says looking confused. 

Well, I wasn't confused nor shocked, it was about time he snapped at us. 

"I was talking with your mother-" dad was interrupted by Bella.

"W-what, no I'm not leaving Forks" Bella tells her dad. Charlie sighs again.

"Bells... honey..... he's not coming back" he informs her. 

"I know" she replies sadly.

"This behavior, it isn't normal. You're not acting normal-"

"When have we ever acted normal?" I asked cutting dad off.

Dad and Bella turn to me. Dad sighs and continues.

"Look, girls, I don't want you to leave but go to Jacksonville. Make some new friends" he says giving me a sad smile.

"But I like my old friends" Bella retorts making me roll my eyes.

"You don't even hang out with us," I said.

Bella turns and glares at me and dad frowns.

"I do. I'm going to, go shopping tomorrow, with Annie and Jessica." Bella says making me frown. When the hell did I agree to that? And plus dad wasn't going to believe it.

"We all know that you hate shopping," I said making dad nodd.

"Well I need a girls night out and you're coming, right?" they both turn to me. 

"Grounded remember?" I smirk at Bella, she frowns.

"Dad" Bella said and dad sighs.

"Alright... Girls night, shopping, buy some stuff. I like it. Annie, you're not grounded."

"Whatever," I said getting up.

I left them in the living room confused with my attitude. I was surprised that he actually ungrounded me... again for Bella's sake. I mean if it wasn't for Bella I would still be grounded, both times. Didn't I matter? I'm also his daughter.


Dumb Bella for taking me with her, stupid ladies night, and stupid movie, it was the longest movie ever!!! Jessica picked out a stupid romantic movie. Like what the fuck, she knew I didn't want to watch it but since she was already here she brought the tickets. She handed mine with a smirk and I groaned when I saw the name of the movie.  Finished when the movie finished, we headed to the truck. And like always Jessica talking nonstop. But I wasn't listening to her ranting because sometimes she talks a lot and I can't focus on what she's saying. Suddenly Bella stops, causing me to stop with her, however Jessica didn't stop talking so she didn't see us stop. Bella was staring at this creepy Alley, that was full of motorcycles and creepy men. They were cat-calling us over. I didn't like it one bit but Bella starts to walk over there. I grabbed her hand stopping her, she turns to me saying that she thinks she knows them. I knew she didn't but Jessica didn't. I knew what she wanted to do, she wanted to see her imaginary Edward. 

"Don't you fucken dare go over there!" I said told her.

Bella pulls her arm back and went over there. Jessica calls out to Bella but she didn't turn back. Jessica and I watched as Bella went over there and got on the back of one of them. Jessica shrieked saying is Bella insane? 

"Your fucken sister is insane, Annie. What is wrong with her?" she ranted on and on.

However I wasn't paying attention, I was furious that she actually went over there. I can't believe she would do something some irresponsible, something so dangerous just to see someone who doesn't care. It seemed like it was forever, until Bella came back to us in one piece. I was relief that she wasn't hurt. Bella walks back to us, Jessica rushed over to her screaming at her, asking what was her problem? Asked if she was crazy? That he could have been a psycho! She had the F.B.I on speed dial if she didn't back soon. Bella replied was that it was a rush. Jessica called her an adrenaline junkie. I stayed in the back watching it all played out. When they finished their little convo, we headed to the car. 

 I was the one driving back to the house, Bella was quiet I would notice her glancing at me. I pretend that I didn't notice her. When we got to the house, I quickly turned off the engine and walked inside the house. I passed dad who was in the kitchen and didn't even answer his question. I went into my room and pulled out my earphones and listened to music. I played anything as long it helped me calm down. About an hour later I felt my bed dipped. Opening my eye I saw Bella staring at me with guilty eyes. I closed my eyes and sighed. Bella laid down and put her head on my chest. I put my arm around her shoulder and brought her close to me.

"I'm sorry" Bella whispered.

"I know, I want you safe Bells," I said 

"I'm sorry," she said again.

I pulled her closer and I felt her fall asleep. After she went to sleep I thought if she wants to feel rush, we need motorcycles. Perhaps this is the only way she can feel the rush, see Edward, and be alive all at the same time. However, we needed a mechanic to help us and I knew just the man for it. Thinking we can go over to the junkyard tomorrow and get us some bikes. And hang out with some old friends.

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