Twilight 15: My plan failed so did I

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Have you ever came with the perfect plan. I don't mean like a simple plan, a small little plan take took about ten minutes to come up. But the ultimate plan, a plan that rivals every other plan you ever came up with. A plan that took hours on coming up with. You analyzed it over and over again just to make sure you didn't miss a single thing. It was the perfect plan and you were so damn proud of. So when the time came to execute the plan your first thoughts were either 'I got this!' or "what could possibly go wrong?' Because your plan was the best plan ever, nothing could go wrong. Well except for the fact that there is always one person who always seems to mess it all up for the others. They're the reason why the plan crashed and burns. And in my case, that person is my dear beloved twin sister, Isabella. Sometimes I don't even know what goes in her mind.

After we finally agreed on the plan, Laurent surprisingly showed up. He came to make his peace with the Cullens, saying that he didn't want any trouble with them. He claimed that he has grown tired of James' childish games. He even warned us to not underestimate that redheaded witch, Victoria. The Cullens seemed to believe him but I knew better. I should have known better, instead of trying to live my life as comfortable as possible I should have remembered that nothing in this world is calm. There's always danger lurking in the shadow waiting for the perfect opportunity. I should have known better and because I'm pretending to be someone else, my life is in danger. My life is on the line because I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings.

I was waiting in the forest as it was planned. The plan was simple yet complicated. Since Forks was the Cullens territory and they know Forks better than anyone here. They know these woods better than any hunter here, so we're going to take full advanced of that. Yes, James is a tracker but like I said before we have three extraordinary vampires with each different unique gifts. It'll be stupid of us to not use that to our advantage. I was going to lure James into the forest, making him believe that I was going to 'sacrifice' myself so that he would let the others go. I marked every other tree with my blood so he'll come to me. So he'll know that I'm calling him. The Cullens were far enough that James wouldn't suspect a thing but close enough to get to me before James had a chance to do something. Suddenly Jasper shows up looking at me with guilty and concerned.

"It's Bella," he said.

Without another second to spare, I started running towards their house. Three steps in Jasper grabs me and puts me on his back, running towards his house. I didn't know what was going on, I didn't know what happened to Bella, I was scared and confused. Within minutes we got back to the house. We entered through the backroom but before we entered Jasper stops me and turns to look at me.

"Your father is here," he said making me confused.

What is dad doing here? Shouldn't he be at home or even at Billy's house? He shouldn't be here in the midst of everything, it's not safe. Without saying anything I walked inside. I notice that everyone was avoiding me, confused I walked up to my father who looked devasted. He turns to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged back still trying to look at the others but they weren't looking at me. Edward was staring out the window looking furious. Pulling away i looked at my father.

"Hey, dad what's wrong?" I asked him.

"Bella left us" he said causing me to look at him shocked.

What did he mean Bella left us? She can't because she's upstairs waiting. She's been here all along. I turn to Edward but he wasn't paying attention to us. Turning to my father I begin to question him.

"What you mean she left us? That can't be, she's here up in the-"

"No, Annie she isn't here. About an hour ago she came to the house and packed her bags. She said she couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't handle being stuck her, she didn't like being locked up in this town" dad said.

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