Ecplise 6: We need help

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Bella's POV:

I just came back from being with Jake, I walked inside the house and it's empty and quiet. I wonder where's Annie and dad. I was about to walk upstairs when-

"You know, Edward could at least respect meals times. At least Jasper brought Annie home from school and stayed here" dad says. I turned to him startled. 

"I was, umm, with Jake," I said and dad looks taken back.

"Oh... Good" he said with a small, self-satisfied smile.

There's a knock on the door. Dad and I looked at the door. 

"I'll just give you two some privacy then," dad said walking to the living room.

I went to open the door and Edward was there with a frown.

"Hey," I said

"Do you not understand, how worried I've been?" Edward asked me.

"I'm perfect-"I was cut off by Edward when he inhales and his face alarmed. 

"Something's wrong," Edward says. Suddenly he darts up the stairs and I hurry behind him. 

I entered my room and see Edward holding the dreamcatcher Jake made for me. 

"Edward, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Someone's been in here," Edward said when he looks up and one again darts upstairs. 

I followed him into Annie's room, she's peacefully sleeping and I'm glad. She hasn't been sleeping enough since she's always doing her late assignments. Edward goes and wakes up Annie.


"Annie wake up" Edward shakes Annie and she gets up, alarmed. She looks at us and sighs in relief.

"Dude what the fu-"

"Someone's been in here, Annie," Edward said making Annie turn at him wide eyes. She gets off her bed and looks around. 

"Let's go," Edward said grabbing Annie's arm but stopped and turn to her. He grabbed her head, turning her and sniffing her neck. I was surprised that he was bold enough to do that. Annie pushed him off of her and she was shocked.


"Damn it," he said in an angry tone. I never hear him talk that way. 

"He marked you with his scent," he said and immediately Annie touched her neck and tries to wipe off the smell.

~~~~~~~~~~~at the Cullens~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Annie's POV:

Edward was pacing, frustrated. Alice, Esme, Carlisle, and Rosie looked stressed, worried and slightly scared. 

"Who is it? Someone, we know?" Alice said looking at Edward.

"A stranger, I didn't recognize the scent." Edward says.

"A nomad passing through?" Esme says hugging a scared looking Bella.

"A passer wouldn't have let Bella's dad alive. And he wouldn't have marked Annie," Rose said and I touched my neck, feeling violated. 

Jasper and Emmett enter the house. Jasper looked pissed as hell. When we told them what happened Jasper grabbed me, pulled me close and smelled my neck. His eyes turned black and he quickly left the house. Emmett followed after Jasper.

"The scent disappeared about five miles south of the house," Emmett informs.

Jasper comes next to me and hugs me. I lean in his chest, welcoming his warmth. He's the only one I want right now.

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