Eclipse 10: Graduation

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Jasper's POV:

Annie has been getting better, she eating more, sleeping more, she's talking to us but she doesn't talk about her condition, no one has brought it up yet. And she isn't screaming whenever she wakes up. However, there have been times where her heart rate dangerously slows down, sometimes I can't even hear it. Those are the times when I am truly grateful that she's still here, despite everything that's going on. I still fear for her, there's still a newborn army out there, Victoria is still out there tryng to kill our mates. 

Days have past and finally, graduation is here. Edward and I are waiting for Bella and Annie in their house. Charlie is with us in the living room, he's worried about Annie's health. Whenever she hugs him, it seems like she's hugging him for the last time. Whatever she's doing, she acts like this will be the last time she'll ever be here. She lets me hold her, one day she unexpectedly came to the house and ran straight to me. Hugging me like she hasn't seen me in forever. She didn't let me go for the whole day, she would whimper whenever I would try to push her off, I was only to ask what's was wrong but she never gave me the chance. So, in the end, I didn't let her go I kept her close. When she fell asleep I laid her on my bed and came downstairs with the others. Edward said he cannot read her mind and Alice she cannot see the future, more specifically Annie's future with us. 

"Jasper can you get Annie... she's staring in the mirror again" Bella's voice broke me away from my thoughts. I turn to her and she's standing in front of me. When did she get here? 

"Jasper?" Edward calls out to me and I turn to him.

"Annie," he said and I nodded. I looked up and began to make my way up there. It felt like it took me forever to get there. Once I got there, Annie was in front of her mirror staring at herself. She slowly touched her cheek, her lips, her nose, her eyes, then she let her hand dropped, and continues to stare. I slowly made my way towards her, I stood right behind her, and just watched her study herself. After a while, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulled her close and rested my chin in between her shoulder. She held my hand and after a while, she sighed deeply and closed her eyes.

"I love you" she whispers and I closed my eyes with her.

"And I love you," I told her and she hums. We stood like that for a while until she turns around and stares at me, smiling. Her smile wasn't like the ones before. This smile held back her emotions, her true emotions. 

"Let's go and graduate," she said. I looked into her eyes trying to see if it could tell me something, let me know what's happening to my darling but like her smile, it held back.

"Let's go, love," I said before kissing her forehead. 

We walked down the stairs and they were already up, waiting for us. Annie walks over to her dad and once again, she hugged him like this was her last time ever hugging him. And it's not only her who hugged like that, Charlie hugs her as if he's doesn't want to let go. They shared a moment before Annie turns to Bella smiling and hugs her. The Swan twins held each other and both let out a small tear. 

"Let's do this," Annie said pulling away. Bella smiled at her and unlike Annies, you see the emotions behind Bellas. Her smile held pain and love for her older twin. Annie turned to Edward and smiled.

"Let's go, brother of mine," Annie said making Edward smile.

"Let's go," Edward said and we all headed outside, ready to go. 


We were all wearing our graduation robes. Annie was sitting in between Bella and me. Annie hasn't let go of my hand, she would casually look over her shoulders and whenever she did her hold tighten. When I asked her whats wrong, she just shook her head and looked forward. It was now time for Jessica's speech.

"When we ever five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answer were things like astronauts, president or, in my case, a princess" we laughed.

"When we were ten, they asked again. We answered rockstar, cowboys, or in my case, a gold medalist. But now that we're all grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this? Who the hell knows? This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions. This is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love.... a lot." I looked at Annie and she was already staring at me with a lovely smile.

"Major in philosophy because there's no way to make a career out of it. Change your mind and change it again because nothing is permeant. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday when they ask what we wanna be, we don't have to guess, we'll know," we all cheered and clapped.

When Jessica's speech, the principal called out names. One by one we all received our diplomas. When Annie went up there she looked at me and her facial expression who filled with love and happiness. I haven't seen that expression since she forgave me. After we were finally declared graduates, Annie surprised me by pulling me to her and she gave me a passionate kiss. I wasn't complaining by I couldn't help but wonder, what's going on with her. 

We went out to the parking lot to meet the family. Once Annie saw Charlie she went running to him and hugged him. We all watched them having their father and daughter moment. She pulls away and signals Bella to come forward and she does. She asked Esme who was closer to take a picture of them and Esme happily did. After their pictures she brought Edward and me over, making a joke that her father needed a picture with his sons-in-law. Charlie gave Annie a look and she laughs and this time her laugh wasn't forced but it was genuine. Alice got the perfect photo of Annie and me. Annie was staring at me with the most beautiful smile ever and I was staring down at her, loving and appreciating that she was still here with me. 

What will happen when the time comes and she isn't here with me. I don't want her to be like me but I don't want her to leave me, I don't want to lose her. I want her to be with me forever. But I am afraid that our forever won't be a forever, it'll just be for now. There's something about Annie that makes me fear for her, makes me scared that she's going to be taken for me and I won't be able to save her, not this time.  

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