New Moon 2: before the party

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Jasper and Edward picked us up after breakfast. Bella and Edward went in his car while Jasper and I went in his. We drove to school like any other day but somehow today felt weird. Jasper was a bit off than usual. When I asked him about it he winked and smiled at me getting me more curious about it. When we pulled into the parking lot I saw Bella with the others. I knew she didn't tell them about today which I was okay with. I wasn't going to tell them since they never asked. 

Jasper opened the door for me, I smiled at him and we head for class. Before we got there to class, Alice stopped us singing happy birthday to me. Laughing I thanked her and she gave me a gift. 

"What's this?" I asked shaking the wrapped box.

Jasper and Alice both laughed.

"Well, it appears to be some sort of box wrapped in a nice blue wrapping paper," Alice said making me smile rolling my eyes at her.

"And here I thought it was some sort of duck," I said smirking.

Alice rolled her eyes.

"But seriously what is it?" I asked shaking it again.

"It's your birthday present. But you'll have to open it after the party tonight" Alice said making me frown.

"Then why give it to me now?" I asked confused. 

"To tease you," she said.

"Hey it's not fair" I whined making Jasper and Alice laugh.

"C'mon lets go tell your twin the b-word," Alice said turning around.

"We're gonna call Bella a bitch?" I asked.

Alice turns to me and I smirked at her. Shaking her head smiling we walked towards Bella. We found Bella and Edward walking, Alice jumps over a railing just to get to them. I laughed at her and walked over there but stayed a few feet away since Bella's blood still affects Jasper. 

"Happy birthday!" Alice exclaims, hugging Bella.

"Shh," Bella tells Alice.

"Why doesn't she want anyone to know it's her birthday?" Jasper turns to me,

"She doesn't like that she's physically a year older than Edward even though he's over hundred years," I tell him. 

"What about you? How do you feel about being 18?" Jasper asked.

"Well if you must know, I really don't care,"I say and Jasper frowns.

"Age is just a number it's what you do with your life that really matters,"I said turning to Bell and the others. 

"I've already seen you open it and guess what, you love it," Alice said.

Bella stares at the purple box in her hand. 

"You're gonna wear it tonight, our place," Alice said turning to me.

Bella and Alice argue about the party and what not. I turn to Jasper.

"As a birthday gift, love. Can you use your power and make her go"I whisper to Jasper.

Jasper smiles at me and nods. We turn to Bella and Jasper concentrates on Bella. I see Bella sighs but smiles a little. Ahh, it actually works.

"Alright, alright we'll go," Bella said and I smiled.

"See it wasn't so hard to say yes," I said making the others chuckle.

"Great, I'll see you girls at seven," Alice says extremely happy. She turns around and walks away.

"Bye guys see you at lunch," I said.

Jasper and I turned away but before we took three steps Bella stops us. 

"Jasper, no fair with the mood control thing," Bella said.

Jasper and I grinned at her. Bella then turns to me and glares at me

"It was your idea," Bella said glaring at me. 

"Birthday gift, doll" I winked at Bella.

Jasper and Edward laughed. 

"Sorry, Bella. My girl gets whatever she wants today" Jasper said and I smiled at him.  

"See, it's not so bad celebrating birthdays," I said smiling and Bella rolls her eyes. 

"Anyways happy bir-" Jasper trails off when Bella glares at him.

"Never mind," he said laughing.

"Love you sis" I winked at her.

"Bye Eddie" I waved at Edward and he rolls his eyes.

He really doesn't like anyone calling him that. But somehow he lets me say it, perhaps it because I'm Bella's sister. Nah it's because I'm the best! Jasper and I walked to our first period together. Alice waited for us around the corner. 

Throughout the day I notice Alice and Jasper staring at each other more than usual and Edward would nod or smirk when they turned to each other. They were having a silent conversation and I didn't know about. They would casually turn to me and smile. Narrowing my eyes at them they would only smile or wink at me. Halfway through the day I just let it go and went along with whatever they were planning. Hopefully, it doesn't involve me getting paint on my hair.

Funny story during the summer Esme and the girls were redecorating the living room. And Esme thought it would be a good idea to invite Bella and me over to paint with them. It was fun and all until Emmett comes in with the boys and they started a paint fight. Literally, they threw buckets of paints all over us. Surprisedly it was Esme who fought back first and since she was okay with it we all went at it. Instead of getting work down we had a paint war. In the end, we were all covered in paint. Alice quickly snapped photos of us throwing paints across the room. I have one of all of us on my nightstand. That day is my favorite because it reminds me that anyone can be normal, anyone can be human all you need is some good laughs and people to share your life with. 

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