Stand up

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A/N: Whenever Annie is talking she is communicating with her powers. She isn't verbally talking but mentally. When Edward tries to listen to their conversation he cannot and when he tells someone to remember the sound of her voice, he still cannot hear it. This is due to her powers that Dean gave her. Dean didn't want anyone knowing it was her until the right time has come. So once again, the only ones who will get to listen to her voice will be anyone besides the Cullens or pack. Another thing when Annie is talking it will be in bold so you'll know she is mentally talking and won't confused.


It wasn't easy trying to calm down William but it was faster than usual. Usually, it would take me hours before he would even let me touch him but this time he calms down in within an hour or so. I don't know what it was but I was thankful, William isn't an easy guy whenever he gets mad. I feel bad for his future mate they have some work cut out for them. Thankfully when we were in the forest we didn't come across Sam or Jake's pack.

When we returned to the others were inside waiting for us. William held me behind him from the others still pissed off at them for thinking bad about me. I placed my hand on his arm to calm him down. Everyone was here even Jake. Carlilse and Eleazar step forwards but stopped when William growled at him. Sighing, I decided I should talk to Eleazar since he never heard my voice before.

"What's going on?" I asked him. And just like the others, he was surprised at my voice. He turns to me with eye wide and his mouth opened.

"T-that's you?" he asked and I nodded. Everyone turned to him and then at me, wondering what's going on.

"Hello," he said in awe, I nodded at him, and William rolled his eyes.

"Should I talk out loud or in my head?" Eleazar asked.

"Whichever you prefer but I suggested you should do it out loud for the others to hear. I don't want them mistrusting us anymore," Eleazar frowns.

"Forgive us. It is just--" I cut him off.

"No worries, I understand" Eleazar nods and everyone is still looking at us. Clearing his throat Eleazar motions for us to join them. William turns to me, held my arm but he doesn't make an effort to move.

"You should just start we aren't moving from this place" Eleazar nods and turns back to Carlisle nodding.

"Let's start," Eleazar said and Carlisle nods. They turn to the others.

"When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up providing that coven committed some crime," Eleazar said making everyone tense.

Aro, I haven't thought of that day since I left this life. Man, now I'm going to face him underneath this damn creep veil. Wait does he know I'm dead? If he does then this will complicate things even more. Especially when he realized I am alive and a vampire. Damn it, Dean, you didn't think this through!

"So he's done this before?" Bella asked and Eleazar nods.

"It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a patter," he said.

"Apparently he always pardons one person who thoughts he claims are repentant," Carlisle comments.

"This person always has an ability. And they're always given a place with the Guard," Eleazar said and Bella frowns.

"This is about Alice and Annie. He has no one like them," Edward said making me confused.

"Which is why Alice left," Bella said. Before someone had the chance to continue William interrupted them.

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