59. Interrogation

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Captain Ma Yo walked into the interrogation room. The chief was sitting, wearing a prison uniform. Next to him was his lawyer. The assistant chief was sitting opposite them smiling with satisfaction. He hated the man to the core, even when he was useless and unworthy he had secured himself the position of the chief. Now he knew why and how, by walking on the dead bodies of many innocent people. Detective Duan walked after Ma Yo, holding many boxes in hands, placed one above the other. He kept them down and read chief his rights. "Look, I am innocent. I was the one who called in informing the whereabouts of Mr. Feng Sui. I told the truth, I am a hero here. I don't even know why I was arrested."

"Why don't you let me do the talking?" The chief's lawyer tapped on his hand and told the cops, "Look, my client is innocent. He was the one who called in informing the whereabouts of Mr. Feng Sui. He told you the truth, he is a hero here. He doesn't even know why he was arrested."

The four people in the room stared at the lawyer with a weird expression on their faces. They understood the first time words left the chief's mouth. They didn't need his council to repeat words.

"Get out of here." The chief screamed at his useless lawyer who did nothing else than imitate his words. This was the third lawyer, he had hired but they all acted the same, retard and stupid. He wondered why.

"Are you rejecting council chief?" The assistant chief asked with his eyes beaming. Without council, he knew this man would screw up. Someone who only listened to others and never placed his opinions, what could one expect from a man like that?

"Yeah, I can fight my own case. I don't need some big book worms to tell me what to do. I am innocent and I can fight this on my own." The chief replied frowning. He yelled and shouted at his lawyer a few times before the man in the suit finally left the room sulking. After he left the interrogation room, he fixed his gloomy attire and smirked. He looked at his fake lawyer Id and chuckled.

After the lawyer was gone, Ma Yo spoke, "We have Mr. Feng Sui's statement. And his story does not match with yours."

The chief's eyes went wide, "It has to match. How can it not? It happened just like I told you. If he told you something different, he is lying." He thought that Feng Sui would cooperate with him just like his father had asked or was he not informed about their deal?

"Oh, his story matches with most of the evidence that we found. But yours doesn't, which only means you are lying. Also, he doesn't have a motive to commit the crimes. Let's start from the beginning." Ma Yo said. Detective Duan smirked and took out a chainsaw wrapped in a plastic bag, which still had traces of blood on it.

"Remember this?" Ma Yo asked, pointing at the bloody weapon. The chief shook his head, "Never saw it in my life."

"Oh is that so?" Ma Yo slammed a picture of the chief holding the weapon and cutting the wood. It was downloaded from his social media account where he was posing, showing his woodcutting skills. There was a huge serial number marked on the chainsaw, which matched with the weapon they had. "Did you just say you never saw it before?" Ma Yo asked.

The chief gulped, "So what? Many others handled the machine before and not just me. That Doesn't mean I used it disassemble the body."

Ma Yo smiled, "When did we ever mention that it was used to disassemble the body? We just asked you if you had seen it before." The chief opened his mouth and closed again. He had said something he shouldn't have. He remembered because it was mentioned by 'O' earlier in one of their earlier conversations. "It was the killer who told me. He was also the man who kidnapped Feng Sui. Ask him, he will tell you."

"Oh, you mean the man you pointed out earlier? His name is Orlando. He has a small travel business. He pays his taxes and lives his life like a noble citizen. All I heard were praises about him from his neighbours and employees. And you are telling me that he is a killer?"

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