Minako Arisato - Part 1

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Inside the velvet room , Elizabeth and Theodore were by themselves as Igor wasn't in the room . They were both busy studying the compendiums of the twins , as they had unlocked new possibilities ever since they overcame Philemon's trial and were allowed to summon multiple Personas .

" their growth in energy has been most definitely fascinating , wouldn't you agree , Theo ? "

" indeed ... " Theodore nodded absentmindedly

" my heart is charged with emotions as I watch my master grow in strength ! " Elizabeth held the compendium close to her chest and said dreamily " his power is enchanting ! Oh , how I wish I could get a taste of it ! "

" craving so much sweets could have serious consequences on one's health , sister " Theodore remarked

" Theo ! " Elizabeth angrily exclaimed " you are ignoring me ! Since when have you been so rebellious ?! "

" Ack ! I ... uh ... actually ... " Theodore grew flustered " I was just so focused on studying my mistress's compendium ! "

" oh , so you're just as excited to face her as I am for my master ? "

" well ... I am more concerned ... than excited " Theodore glared at the compendium in his hand " if this phenomenon continues , then ... "

" can I take look ? " Elizabeth snatched the compendium from Theodore's hand , and her eyes were widely open with shock " oh ... no , this can't be good ... "

Several days had passed since the full moon operation , the members of SEES were slowly recovering from the shock of losing a member , but the world wasn't waiting for them

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Several days had passed since the full moon operation , the members of SEES were slowly recovering from the shock of losing a member , but the world wasn't waiting for them . The exams were upon them , and school demanded their undivided attention . Yukari , Fuuka , Junpei and Minato were slowly regaining their focus on their life , albeit still traumatized by what transpired . Mitsuru was inspired by Akihiko's recovery and his resolution after what happened , and how he firmly believed in Shinjiro and wanted to continue what he had been fighting for , that she regained her composure in time .

As for Minako , no one could really tell for sure . She seemed as bubbly and cheerful as ever , but her comrades were still treating her like a water bubble that they didn't want to pop . Especially Ken , who was still haunted by Minato's fierce scolding , and what Minako was thinking of him , specifically the part about how Minato could tell that she was feeling even more remorse toward him than Minato himself . Was Minato's assumption that his sister was now despising Ken true ? Even if it were , would that change anything ? Nevertheless , Minako continued her life as normal , and her classmates treated her just as they would do every day . The only difference was that she would disappear anytime between sunset and before midnight and sometimes she wouldn't come until after midnight . Of course , her dorm mates never had it in them to ask her where she was going .

They had just finished their exams , and were going to school to see the results . When they arrived at the school , there was a huge crowd on the bulletin board . The twins approached the board to see their scores . Minato looked for the sheet on which the scores of his class were published , and when he found it , he began scanning it for his score .

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