Joyous Night

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It was finally time , the night Shinjiro decided to cook for everyone . He went with Fuuka into the kitchen , and the two started working , Minako wanted to help as well , but Shinjiro insisted on that she stays out of the kitchen and just watch them work . Nevertheless , she didn't persist , as the kitchen was pretty cramped with both Shinjiro and Fuuka in there .

" alright , as I had mentioned before , prepare everything beforehand " Shinjiro said as he began working " now while I focus on preparing the meat , you prepare the pan "

" um ... yes ... the ... uh ... pan " Fuuka stuttered

" start by adding four tablespoons of olive oil " Shinjiro said , but then he looked at her and screamed " stop ! The hell do you think you're doing ?! That's vinegar ! How many times must you make that mistake ?!! "

" are you sure you don't want me in the kitchen instead , Shin-chan? "

" no ! I'll be distracted "

" distracted ? " Minako found that reason odd , but chose to keep quiet as the mess Shinjiro was was already chaotic as it is

" so he's really gonna cook for the team ? " Minato said excitedly " I'm starting to feel hungry just thinking about it "

" I know , right ?! I'll go call the others ! "

Minako hurried upstairs , just as Shinjiro was yelling at Fuuka for dropping an egg on the ground .

While Shinjiro and Fuuka were struggling in the kitchen , the front door of the lounge opened up and in came Yukari, Junpei and Akihiko , with Junpei carrying a bottle of soft drinks

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While Shinjiro and Fuuka were struggling in the kitchen , the front door of the lounge opened up and in came Yukari, Junpei and Akihiko , with Junpei carrying a bottle of soft drinks . They immediately sensed the delicious aroma and noticed the mess in the kitchen . Minato welcomed them and explained to them what was happening .

" so Shinji's cooking , huh ? " Akihiko remarked " will you grace us inferiorities with any leftovers ? "

" what do you mean ? " Minato asked

" I'm saying that when you cook something in front of other people who live with you , you're supposed to be a good friend and make enough for everyone "

" I'm not gonna waste my breath and answer a stupid question asked by an idiot , I already have my hands—hey ! For the last freaking time this is not the right knife to chop onions ! " Shinjiro was clearly too busy to bother with Akihiko

" he is cooking for everyone , senpai " Minato explained

" he is ?! " Akihiko couldn't believe what he heard

" and you'd better believe I'm flushing your share down the toilet if I saw a single particle of protein on the table when I'm done , Aki !!! " Shinjiro yelled before turning back to the kitchen

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