Ken Amada - Part 7

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" Minako ! I'm sorry , but the layout of the first floor has changed " Fuuka was panicked " in fact , I don't think it's the first floor anymore ! "

" What do you mean ?! " Minako said anxiously as she frantically looked for the stairs herself

" Apparently , there are shadows messing with the switches ! If they keep going like this they'll trap Minato-san with F.O.Es just like what happened to you ! "

" No ! " Minako screamed , before hastily planning " okay ... We find Minato and join up while looking for a teleporter ! "

" No way ! " Yukari objected " we split up so that we won't get trapped , if we regroup here the shadows will trap us easily ! "

" But Minato ... ! "

" I'm worried about him just as much as you ... Probably " Yukari added as she saw how helpless Minako looked " but you're the leader . I know it's difficult , but it's in these situations where your leadership is the most important , when we need to think and not be swayed by emotions ! "

" Right ... I'm fine ... " Minako realized she had lost her cool from worrying about her brother and caused distress in her team , so she recovered what she could of her compose and started again " Ai-san ! Take Koro-chan and Yukari back to the entrance . I trust you to lead them "

" Understood "

" What's your ... ? " Yukari was surprised by that

" Koro-chan will handle any F.O.Es that could attack you , but try to keep combat to minimum ! Don't fight unless you absolutely have to ! Once you make it to the entrance , stay there and await mine or Minato's orders . Should the worst happen and we get trapped , I'll be counting on you to set us free ! "

" I understand "

" Minako ... Is that your ... ?" Yukari wasn't convinced

" Less talking ! More action ! Now get moving ! " Minako yelled at them before turning to Ken " you're coming with me !"

" R--right ! "

Minato felt the ground tremble below him , as if something was shifting and turning

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Minato felt the ground tremble below him , as if something was shifting and turning . However , he didn't have enough time to think about it as shadows shaped like dices and others shaped like nuns which gigantic hands appeared before him . The shadows were looking more and more disturbing with every passing block . Nevertheless , he managed to defeat them with his team without much trouble . However , when he looked back around , the hallways had completely changed .

" tch ! They changed the layout again , those shadows ! " Minato groaned

" the one changing the layout is a weak shadow , but it's still very hard to find ... right , Iori ? " Mitsuru glared at Junpei who had been responsible for finding those shadows

" I'm telling you that sucker is invisible right until it reaches the goddamn lever ! What the hell am I supposed to do ?!! " Junpei frantically defended himself

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