Minato Arisato - part 2

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" Io ! "

Yukari hurriedly healed Minako , as Junpei fought back the knight and as Ken defeated the samurai . As soon as Minako recovered , she called both Thor and Take-Mikazuchi , electrifying the entire place and paralyzing every shadow . Junpei quickly followed that with Trismagestus , knocking all the shadows down , granting them a chance for an all out attack . After they  were finished with the shadows , Minako returned with her team back to their hasty search for Fuuka . However , as they were making their way into the confusing hallways and corridors of the fifth block , they heard a sound that had them all freeze in their tracks .

It was the sound of chains being dragged on the floor .

" you've gotta be shitting ... ! " Junpei started

" shh ! Be quiet ! " Minako hissed at them as she cautiously pulled her evoker , as if she was aware of the presence of the Reaper for a while now " on my mark , jump to the right "

Following this plan , as soon as Minako gave them a signal , they quickly jumped back just as the Reaper was breaking through , and Minako instantly called Orpheus Telos , knocking the shadow with a hailing wave of Magidoloan . Giving the Reaper no breather , she immediately called Metatron and Mithra , destroying the roof above the Reaper and trapping it below the boulders , then she immediately pulled her team away . Once she thought she had covered a sufficient distance , she called Scathach and Cu Chulain , destroying the walls on each side to block the path from the Reaper and try to delay him as much as she could .

" everyone , he's after me ! " Minako turned to her team " you all go and meet up with Minato , I'll drag the Reaper away from you ! "

" no way ! What about Strega ?! " Ken objected

" they're smarter than to carelessly approach the Reaper ! I bet they're both fighting Minato and his team as we speak , and Fuuka is there for sure ! "

" but will you be fine on your own ?! " Yukari asked anxiously

" I will , I can handle the Reaper by myself , but if you're around I'll have to worry about you , too ! The Reaper is smart , and once it realizes that I worry about you , it will use that to ambush me ! It's an order from your leader , so stop arguing and get moving ! "

They were hesitant , but they knew that at they would only get in the way if they stayed with Minako against the Reaper , especially when she was trying to escape it and not fight it , not to mention that Minato would need them more if he's fighting against Strega . In the end , they reluctantly agreed to leave Minako behind and regroup with Minato instead . Minako wasted no time and hurriedly ran away from the Reaper in the opposite direction . She had already called Orpheus Telos once , and she could only call him one more time to save herself , so she had to stay away from the Reaper at all cost .

After some running around , she was sure that she was pretty far away from the Reaper , but the sound of the chains was proof that it was still chasing her , and now all she had to do was buy herself and her friends some time until they find Fuuka and save her . As she stopped to catch her breath , she heard someone else approaching her . At first , she thought it was her friends , but as she turned to greet them , she saw herself at gun point with Takaya . He was pointing his revolver at her with a grin on his face .

" checkmate "

The sound of gun shot echoed in the halls ...

The sound of gun shot echoed in the halls

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