Kyoto - Part 1

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Mitsuru sat on a chair in the rooftop of the school . After what had happened to her father , she had suddenly lost the drive to do anything . The world around her was progressing , with a new chairman , new student and all the commotion she could hear from her dorm mates , and yet she just couldn't find the drive within herself to participate in any of this .

" oh , there you are " Yukari interrupted her chain of thoughts " the student council members are looking for their president "

" I ... I'm sure Minato and Minako can handle it " Mitsuru replied apathetically

" well ... actually , no . Minako left with her brother early , and they need you to arrange and sign on the list of groups for the trip to Kyoto "

" Kyoto ... we're going to Kyoto ? "

" yes , we are ! It's been the talk of the entire school ! " Yukari eagerly sat next to her

" oh ... right ... sorry . With everything that has been happening , I was confused ... it might be for the best that I don't go with you all for the trip ... I'll only spoil the fun "

" that's not true ! You need this trip , senpai ! "

" oh ... there she is ! " Ryoji ascended to the roof " Kirijo senpai , I have been looking all over for you "

" Ryoji ? What are you doing here ? "

" I've been asked by this member of the student council to look for their president " Ryoji explained " what was his name again ? Hidetoshi ? "

" him ?! He asked me , too ! Has he been asking the entire school to look for Mitsuru senpai ?! This is gonna create a mess ! "

" so what do you say , Kirijo senpai ? " Ryoji said gently " shall we go on a date after you finish your business in the council ? "

" er ... senpai ... " Yukari cringed " I guess you should go to the student council meeting now ! "

" you ... you're right ... " Mitsuru left immediately

" huh ? She didn't even respond ... What about you , Yukari ? Do you want to ... " Ryoji started , but was slapped by Yukari who left after that , leaving him confused " what ? What did I do ?! "

 " Ryoji started , but was slapped by Yukari who left after that , leaving him confused " what ? What did I do ?! "

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The students of Geggokan ascended to the bus , which would take them to Kyoto . It was their yearly school trip , but they weren't exactly excited for it . Apparently , the history teacher wanted this to be as traditional as possible , so he forbade the students from bringing any electronic devices , and instead gave each student an old black and white camera . The twins were especially frustrated , as their MP3 players were confiscated , and they were told that they wouldn't  have them back until they return to Iwatodai . While Minato grumbled as he stared at the window , lamenting how he should've stayed in the dorm with Ken , Minako tried to make the best of her time by discussing her plans with her friends .

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