Calming moment

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Minato's feet led him to the back alley of Paulownia mall , right in front of the door that leads into the velvet room . Somewhere deep in his mind , the thought of asking Igor and Elizabeth about the upcoming confrontation with Nyx was arising . However , it was quickly silenced the moment he was faced with the door .

" who am I kidding ?! I can't ask such a question ! "

He couldn't bring himself to open the door , what if they said it was indeed impossible to defeat Nyx ? What if the governors of power , who are the very ones helping Minato and Minako grow in strength , said that no amount of strength could defeat Nyx , what would be left for him ?

For the longest time , Minato's creed dictated that he would live his life apathetically without care to those around him , his world ended with his vision , sealed by his eyes that were fixated on the ground , and his ears that were closed off from the outside world by a pair of earphones . Whenever someone would ask him a question , he would most usually shrug and declare his disinterest . However , ever since last spring , his world began to open up , he met many people , he helped many of them , and had to fight some of them . His world became more varied , more complex and more precious . Now , he was told that the world he learned to cherish , with all those people he cared for , is going to end . Not only that , but he was given the choice of how the world would end .

He collapsed in front of the velvet door , and cried ...

After her failure to get a job in any other place , she had no choice but to go to that place

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After her failure to get a job in any other place , she had no choice but to go to that place . A girl with square glasses , long brown hair and trembling hands that pretty much dropped anything they hold in a matter of seconds . She stood nervously in front of the door to that little café in the alley behind Iwatodai mall , swallowed her fear , before she nervously stepped in . Immediately at the entrance , her senses abandoned her , as she stared at the many many cats that were flooding the store . Cold sweat began descending down from her forehead , and she felt her heart beating itself against her ribs from the panic .

" oh , a new customer ? "

" ahh !!! No ! Leave me alone !!! "

The girl screamed and ran out of the store as soon as someone addressed her . After a few minutes , she mustered up the needed courage to enter again . This time , she found the man who was addressing her cleaning the place , with the cats around him lounging and yawning lazily . He was a man in his fifties , but his face still seemed like that of a person who had abandoned all care and interest in the world around him . However, the girl didn't notice that , as she was too busy contemplating wether she had made a fool out of herself or not .

" coffee ? " he said nonchalantly

" n—no ! I ... I'm here for a job ... to ... to look after the cats ... "

" okay , you're hired "

" I'm a student in ... wait what ?! " the girl seemed confused " I'm ... I'm hired ... ? Just like that ? "

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