Ryoji Mochizuke - Part 4

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The twins ascended to the rooftop , while their friends followed them secretly , including Ryoji . They secretly watched what their leaders were about to talk about , as they were worried about what was making Minato so angry . Minako wasn't sure how she should start the conversation , but in the end she didn't have to think about it , as her brother started it himself .

" alright , let's just get to the point ! Do you still love Shinjiro ?! "

" what ?!! What kind of question is that ?! " Minako was appalled to hear those words from her brother " of course I love him ! I love him with every fabric of my heart-! "

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" what ?!! What kind of question is that ?! " Minako was appalled to hear those words from her brother " of course I love him ! I love him with every fabric of my heart-! "

" spare my your romantic words , sister ! Shinjiro is becoming less of a lover and more of a routine for you ! Those rumors about you ... ! "

" we're back again at the rumors-?! " Minako started

" DON'T INTERRUPT ME !!! " Minato furiously interrupted her " do you think students just woke up and decided to spread rumors about you ?! Oh , so they're jealous of our lovable Miss goodie-two-shoes , is that it ?! Fine , what about everyone else ?! The owners of the bookstore near Iwatodai mall told me how my sister has that handsome looking boyfriend, just to name two of the many who saw you going out with Ryoji ! There's only so much my trust in you can take , sister , and so I decided to follow you in one of your escapades ! "

" wh-what ? "

" here's what I saw you do with Ryoji alone , and the rumors weren't exaggerating ! " Minato furiously yelled at her " you were cuddling , you shared drinks , you were holding hands , everything a couple would do ! I saw it with my own eyes ! "

" that ... that's not true ... " Minako seemed scared . She didn't want to believe it  " no ... you were probably... just dreaming ... "

" now I'll ask you again ... do you still love Shinjiro ?! "

" I ... I do ... I still love him ... " Minako's response was much more hesitant this time , and she was aware of it , and that made her angry " what about you ?! Are you telling me you don't feel the same toward Ryoji ?! "

" wh-what ?! Of ... of course not ! " Minato grew nervous , as a picture of Ryoji flashed in the back of his mind , and his heart stirred at the thought

" oh yeah , let me spell it out for you ... you have a staring problem when it comes to Ryoji , you seemed to like the idea of sharing a room with him , and you blush when you talk about him !

" that's not true ! " Minato anxiously denied

" In fact , when it comes to you and Ryoji , you sound like someone denying it ! Why shouldn't I think you're jealous of me and Ryoji hanging out , and that you actually want him for yourself ?! "

" okay , stop ! " Minato decisively interrupted " you're changing the subject , throwing the blame onto me , and running away from the truth ! As far as I'm concerned , I don't have a sweetheart who's fighting death back there in the hospital for my sake , and there are no people who think I'm dating Ryoji ! "

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