Amagi inn

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Minako was their last player , and she had downed the Yasoinaba tennis club to their last player , too . However , that last player was so skilled she won the first match by a landslide through one service ace after another . Minako was helpless against her serves at the beginning and could only make a comeback when it was her turn to serve . As the match continued , Minako found herself getting accustomed to her opponent's shots and she was starting to put up a better fight . They were down to their last game and her opponent was serving . She sent a piercing shot that Minako couldn't reach , even as she jumped to reach it she only fell on the ground face first .

" forty-thirty ! " the teacher announced

" if she scores again we'll lose ! Minako—! " the students of Geggokan screamed at her

" don't pressure... ! " Rio started

" no pressure , Minako ! " the students interrupted " but you're our last player , in other words you're our LAST HOPE !!! If you lose we'll be subjected to inhuman torture ! Please don't lose ! Our lives are in your hands !!! And remember , no pressure ! "

" y—yeah ... "

Minako gave them an awkward smile before focusing her attention on the ball , she remembered to shut down any outside noise and just focus her attention on the ball . Her opponent fired another shot , but Minako managed to catch that one and serve it back . The two went back and forth at it , but eventually Minako jumped and struck it away from the player . It seemed she had scored a deuce , but her opponent was persistent and lunged toward the ball and shot it at her . Minako ran toward the ball , but she was surprised to see it drop in her field . It seemed that the ball had brushed the net which caused it to lose its momentum , effectively ending the match . Minako struggled to catch her breath , as her eyes were fixated on the ball , before raising her head and laughing awkwardly " looks like I lost ! "

 Minako struggled to catch her breath , as her eyes were fixated on the ball , before raising her head and laughing awkwardly " looks like I lost ! "

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" we're finally done cleaning ! " Yuko sighed as placed the trash bin back in its place .

" good ! Now let's get out and run around the school " Rio said happily while looking at Yuko

" m—me , too ?! "

" of course , it was your idea ! "

" I can't believe you lost , Minako ! " one of the girls said

" don't be so hard on her ! " another interrupted " between all of us she held her ground the most ! I don't think anyone would've pulled it off ! Besides that last shot was a fluke ... frankly , it shouldn't even be legal ! "

" that's okay " Minako said " I probably would've messed up later , I was exhausted at the time , after all "

" but seriously , Minako " Rio asked her " your stamina was always impressive but today it was beyond human capabilities ! How were you able to play four consecutive matches in a row like that ! You won three of them and even pushed the fourth one to her limit ! "

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