Fuuka Yamagishi - Part 2

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The twins were awaken by the same feeling the felt last month . Sure enough , the boy in rags was in their room , with his usual expressionless smile .

" oh ! " Minako exclaimed " it's you again ! "

" I'm glad you remember me " the boy grinned " you were spectacular during that last ordeal "

" oh shush ! It was nothing ! " Minako giggled

" so why are you here ? " Minato asked

" I came to tell you that a new threat is approaching you . You'd best be prepared for it "

" who's behind these shadows ? Is it you ? "

" to be honest with you , I'm not sure " the smile faded from the boy's face and he looked to the side " I can't remember anything"

" but you still remember to come and warn us about these threats ... how do you know about them ? "

" they're affected by the phases of the moon . According to the moon , shadows are either agitated or calm . I'm not sure how exactly it works "

" well , anyway " Minako sighed " thanks for helping us , we'll prepare for whatever threat we're up against this time "

" I'm sure you will . Once you pass the ordeal , we will speak again " the boy faded into darkness

" you said you'd prepare for it , but you had promised Yukari you'd help her with the investigation " Minato asked

" oh ... " Minako has clearly forgotten about her promise

" fine " Minato sighed " I'll prepare for our battle and you help Yukari "

" okay ! "

" did you know ? " one student enthusiastically said to Minako " If you go into the last bathroom stall in the girls' bathroom and chant ' Iwatodai ' six times while spinning around six times and clapping six times , you start hearing someone repe...

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" did you know ? " one student enthusiastically said to Minako " If you go into the last bathroom stall in the girls' bathroom and chant ' Iwatodai ' six times while spinning around six times and clapping six times , you start hearing someone repeating ' Iwatodai ' over and over in an accelerating speed until it becomes ' I want to die ! ' . If you go out before that , you and your grandchildren will be cursed with bad luck and have nightmares for the next six hundred and sixty six years ! If you don't go out the moment the voice says ' I want to die ' , a demon emerges from the toilet and drowns you in it !!! "

" wow ! " Junpei was thrilled by that story " sounds like it's time for another Junpei's ... "

" can it ! " Yukari slapped him " we don't need you to complicate this more with your stupidity ! "

" that sounds like a cheap knockoff of more original Japanese urban legends " Minako asked the student " more importantly , do you know about that rumor surrounding girls who enter the school after 03:00 am and then are found the next morning unconscious ? "

" 03:00 am ? No , I think 11:00 pm "

" that can't be right " Junpei objected " I'm sure it was 03:00 am "

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