Sleeping table

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After a long delay by Chidori's interrogation , the members of SEES were finally back in Tartarus . The twins had received news that further progression into higher floors of Tartarus was unlocked and now they could advance into higher floors of Tartarus . It should have been intimidating , but they had mostly figured out the tricks of the shadows at that time , and they mastered the method to dealing with the F.O.Es as well as every other contrived mechanic in Tartarus .

As they were mowing down another group of shadows , a hand shaped shadow crawled its way onto the switch in an attempt to trap them , but Shinjiro threw his axe at it and killed it instantly .

" Adios , asshole ! " he said victoriously

" Aragaki senpai !!! " Minako suddenly interrupted with an angry frown on her face " mind your language ! "

" wh—what ? What does that mean ?! " he glared back , but found himself unable to refuse her command with how surprisingly intense and intimidating her anger seemed

" you're probably the oldest member in SEES , so you need to set a good example for others ! How am I supposed to tell Ken here to watch his tongue when you're cussing with every victory or casualty ! "

" Minako-san " Fuuka interfered " I'm sorry to interrupt , but Minato-san and his team are at the stairs to the final floor of this block "

" oh , we'll catch up ! " Minako nodded happily , before turning to both Shinjiro and Ken and sternly saying " and no swearing !"

The two teams entered the last floor of that block . It was vast , and filled to the brim with F.O.Es , the teams estimated roughly around 17 statues of F.O.Es were there , and the stairs were on the other side of the room far away .

" STOP !!! " Fuuka suddenly screamed " IT'S DANGEROUS ! PLEASE RETREAT !!! "

" STOP !!! " Fuuka suddenly screamed " IT'S DANGEROUS ! PLEASE RETREAT !!! "

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From above , seemingly out of nowhere , a shadow fell before them . It almost fell on the twins , but Aigis and Shinjiro pulled them out of the way in time . The shadow was shaped like a table , with its legs wriggling as if they were made if paper , and its bright white texture . Above it , there was a sword , a shield , a hammer and a staff all floating randomly. The members of SEES were not immediately on edge as they had encountered similar shadows in lower floors , but when the shadow jumped back away from them , the twins immediately noticed how agile it was .

" Fuuka ! " Minako called " what's going on ? What's that shadow ? "

" please , run ! You can't defeat it ! "

The shadow's staff waved in the air , and then the ground below them began crumbling , before the path ahead and back were both blocked . It seemed the shadow managed to trigger the switch that locks them without being there , and that alone made the twins feel anxious about the situation .

" Fuuka , the shadow trapped us in here ! " Minato called " I don't know why you think we can't defeat it , but I don't think we have a choice right now , so can you scan him for us ? "

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