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Somewhere far away , a place no one knows , there sat two men . One was wearing a black mask , and the other was wearing a white mask . Between them was a chess board , and by looking at the pieces , it was clear that the white player had won in what seemed to be a losing match .

" looks like I win once again , my friend " the man with the white mask spoke in a carefree tone

" oh , the game is only starting now , Philemon " the man in black mask said , as he grabbed the two white castles that dealt him the checkmate , before he crushed them before the man in the white mask " the pieces that brought you victory shall be the ones to corner you soon , believe me "


The classroom was buzzing with rumors , as the senior students of Geggokan were discussing the possibility of a new student . According to them , it was a girl from the Nanjo family , the rivals in business of the Kirijo family . As for the former members of SEES , they could care little about those . It was the April 8th , the day the twins came to Geggokan for the first time . By now , most of the students had mostly moved on , but their friends from the dorm were still unable to understand what happened .

" alright ... alright ... " Miss Toriumi entered the classroom and calmed the gossiping students " today , a new student is transferring to our class . She lived most of her life overseas , so she might not be used to our traditions , so please be patient with her " Miss Toriumi turned to the door " alright , you can enter now "

The door opened , and she stepped forward into the room . She kept walking until she stood before the students , who stared at her in silence and awe . She was significantly shorter than most of the students , and she was also significantly paler , as her skin was as white as pure milk , which made her seem delicate to those around her

" Alina Nanjo " she said with little to no emotion to her voice , introducing only her name .




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