Ken Amada - Part 4

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Summer class was over for that day , and SEES members exhaled exhaustedly . Mitsuru definitely had a point about how difficult it is to balance school and the Dark Hour

" What a relief ... Finally , it's over ... " Minako collapsed on her seat

" You went to such an extreme just to prove that Ken is worthy to be in SEES and ended up worsening your injury " Minato sighed " why are you so determined to have him in the team ? "

" Well , at first I thought he acted so much like you when you were his age , so I wanted to give him a chance , but when I took him in Tartarus I realized that he doesn't only act like you , but also thinks like you "

" Uh huh ... How so ? " Minato yawned , totally unconvinced

" Well , for starters he scolded me just as you would , then he outsmarted the F.O.Es of the second block just as quickly as you figured out their weaknesses . He has more in common with you than you think ... "

" That's all the more reason to keep him away from Tartarus "

" Why ? "

" You might know me more than anyone , but you still don't know me more than myself , and I know what I can and can't take , and what could break me , now and back when I was as young as Ken . I wouldn't let him live through what Tartarus has to offer if I could help it ... "

" Minato ... "

" Anyway , we're not done here , you still have to go to the nurse's office "

" Why ... ? " Minako stuffed her head in her arms and wept , flashbacks of her last visit to the nurse's office began haunting her all over again

 ? " Minako stuffed her head in her arms and wept , flashbacks of her last visit to the nurse's office began haunting her all over again

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Ken was watching the TV , when he heard someone approaching the front door of the dorm . He quickly stammered for the remote to turn the TV off , only to be distraught by it not responding . He fell off the couch in an attempt to reach the TV and turn it off , and he managed to do so just as Minako was entering the dorm .

" h—hey ... Mina—" he started

" oh ! " she exclaimed before he could say anything " was that Phoenix Ranger Featherman Alpha ? "

" actually ... it's Featherman R2 , Alpha was over last year " Ken corrected her , before he realized what he was saying and nervously tried to change it " I mean ... I know that from my classmates ! And ... and from the annoying commercials ! "

" so you were watching it ? " Minako could clearly tell he was

" no ! I wasn't ! " Ken threw a miniature tantrum of denial " it's a stupid show of stupid actors spouting cheesy lines about love and friendship ! And the villains make idiotic choices of monologuing ! And ... and ... ! "

" it's really not that bad " Minako was slightly taken aback by Ken's feverish denial , and tried to calm him down by saying " that's Featherman Tekken with the cheesy stuff , the series is enjoyable and takes itself seriously besides that entry "

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