Fuuka Yamagishi - Part 6

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" wait ! You're saying the voice in my head was Fuuka all along ! " Junpei exclaimed with disbelief

" quiet ! You wanna attract the F.O.E of this floor , too ?! " Minato hissed at Junpei

" I found her " Akihiko called the rest

The boys approached Fuuka . Who looked so pale comparing to when Minato talked to her several days ago , she also looked exhausted , but was ultimately relieved that she was found .

" you're alive ! Awesome ! " Junpei happily exclaimed

" oh ... you were real after all ... I ... "

Fuuka was so tired she collapsed on the floor . Minato was quick enough to catch her before she fell , and he became anxious when he realized she was burning up .

" she might be , but it's clear she's at her limit , let's—!  "

" what's ... what's this I'm feeling ?! " Fuuka clutched her forehead " something is in here ... something ... powerful ... ! "

" it's the full moon shadow ! " Minato exclaimed

" Full what ? " Akihiko gasped

" this is the third time we are attacked by powerful shadows when the moon is full ! I think there's a connection ! "

" well , there are researches that determined the shadows become more aggressive according to the phases of the moon , but that can't be ... ! "

" we'll figure it out later ! For now contact Mitsuru ! "

" we've tried , but we got nothing " Junpei shrugged " not even static ! "

" damn ! They must be in danger ! "

" here , hang on to this " Akihiko handed Fuuka an evoker

" A ... a gun ?! " she gasped

" it's not a real gun . Think of it as a lucky charm for now "

" enough dilly dallying , let's return ! " Minato took out his notebook " I know where the teleporter is "

" enough dilly dallying , let's return ! " Minato took out his notebook " I know where the teleporter is "

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Minako was faced with the harsh reality that her team was defeated . Yukari was lying  by the entrance  , too wounded to stand up . Mitsuru was held by the emperor , defenseless and weak . Minako  had used her Personas and switched between them way too much that the headache was blurring her vision . Not to mention she was severely slowed by the emperor's skills and poisoned by the empress . Nothing she could do would save them anymore .

" let go ... of my senpai ! " Minako pointed the evoker at her head , guided only by pure rage " I said LET GO !!!! "

Minako called Orpheus , except it looked different . Instead of the confident stance that Orpheus was known to appear as for both herself and her brother , this time Orpheus was shivering erratically . Yukari feared that something was wrong , and her fears were affirmed when Orpheus was broken and from within emerged the same monster that appeared on the day the twins awakened to their power , with its many coffins and swords and its hellish scream .

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