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Minato couldn't speak with Sumire right away , as the cats in the café made her nervous . He also couldn't just leave the café drenched in coffee , and certainly not with a girl crying by his side , so he took her to the kitchen . There , he realized that the situation was far grimmer than he had thought , as he saw the smoke rising from the coffee machine , and the many many many broken cups lying on the floor .

 There , he realized that the situation was far grimmer than he had thought , as he saw the smoke rising from the coffee machine , and the many many many broken cups lying on the floor

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" I've been looking for a job for over a week now , but I keep getting fired over and over again ! " Sumire wept " this is my last chance to get a job , and I already blew it ! "

" why would you even need to have a job ? " Minato asked , as he had always thought that most students who attend Geggokan are financial stable , since it's a private school

" I need it to earn the money to pay for Katsura senpai's cell phone . One day I had bumped into her , and she dropped the phone on the street , and she blamed me for breaking her phone "

" really ?  By dropping it on the ground ? Some people are just so spoiled , there's no way it was broken that badly ... "

" well , three cars and two trucks ran over it , so it really was damaged beyond repair ..." Sumire embarrassedly admitted

" oh ... I ... I see ... " Minato couldn't find the right words to respond to the misfortune that Sumire had to live through " so you didn't tell your parents ? "

" n-no ... I can't ... they're already paying a lot of money for my education , I don't want to put them through more of this ! And if they knew what happened , I'll be grounded for the rest of my life ! "

" okay ... " Minato noticed that she was more talkative than when they were outside the kitchen , and he wondered what was troubling her " so do you like working here ? I know it's just a part-time job , but it's still important to enjoy it "

" I ... I don't like working here , but at the same time I can't work in any other place . I've been looking for a good job for a week , but I can't keep a job for more than a day , and what little money I have goes to paying for the damages that I cause ! "

" how did you even manage to land a job here ? "

" I ... I don't know ... Shirogane-san accepted me without looking at me , he did say something about his wife , though "

" okay , but I still don't understand what exactly do you hate in this place ... ? "

" I'm ... I'm afraid of cats ... "

" ........ I'm sorry , what ? " Minato said as he tried to process what she meant

" I'm scared of cats , my heart jumps to my throat when I see one , and it takes every shred of resolve I have to keep myself from fainting when a cat brushes itself against me ! "

" And you still tried to land a job here ? "

" Y-yes ... " Sumire said in a defeated tone " I had no choice , remember ?! "

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