the girl at the shrine

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Minako walked the streets of Iwatodai , streets that she had walked for months , and yet today they seemed unfamiliar to her . Sirens could he heard in the distance , people dazing and spacing out before regaining their consciousness at random . She could even see some people going insane and attacking bystanders . Despite hers and her friends' efforts , the world is slowly succumbing to panic and chaos by the presence of the Dark Hour . It was almost too much for her to see , and she hastened her pace away from the crowd .

Her feet led her to the stairs leading to shrine , even though she wasn't thinking about it . It was like deep down , she wanted a miracle to happen . She wanted to believe that everything she had lived through was a nightmare because she ate too many sushi in that party after they defeated the last full moon shadow , but sadly she was living through reality and she knew it . She shook her head , and wanted to leave , but then she noticed a certain blue-haired boy at the top of the stairs .

" Minato ! " she ascended the stairs toward him .

" oh

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" oh ... hey , sister ... " Minato looked at her , he seemed very tired and conflicted

" What're ... what are you ... doing here ? " she struggled to find something to talk about

" well , a lot has been unraveled on us in one night . Our past came crashing down on us , and we were robbed off of our future " Minato clenched his fists in anger " in video games , this is called exposition dump ! I never liked it in games , and it's certainly no better here ! "

" Minato ... listen ... about ... about Ryoji ... ! " Minako started , but words seemed to fail her

" please , the last thing I want to talk about right now is wether we should kill or spare him ! " Minato impatiently interrupted her

" wh—what ... ? "

" I came here to clear my mind of the conflict , I don't want to be reminded of it , okay ? "

" then ... then ... oh ... " Minako mumbled to herself for a second , before nodding " right , sorry , I guess I'm not ready for that , either "

Their strained conversation stopped , and they just stood in front of the shrine . The horizon before them was covered by thick layers upon layers of rainy clouds . The two of them thought they should return to the dorm before it started raining , but before they could leave , they heard the sound of weak crying in the playground by the shrine . In front of a tree , stood a little girl that was sobbing sadly . The twins thought she had scrapped her knee , so they gently approached her .

" what's wrong , little girl ? " Minako gently sat in front of her " did you hurt yourself ? "

" my ... my ball ... " the girl sobbed , as she pointed at the top of the tree " Genta-kun kicked it very high ... and it got stuck in the tree ... and ... and ... I can't get it back ! "

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