Controversal photos - Part 3

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" ... and that's pretty much the situation at the moment , senpai " Minako spoke on the phone in Paulownia mall in a low voice " so what do you think ? ... well ... yeah ... we're rushing it alright , but the final battle is upon us and we can't afford to be distracted by everyday troubles , right ? ... no , this has nothing to do with me wanting to see him do that , okay ? ...great ! Okay , we'll do our part of the plan for now , okay ? Alright , see you later "

Minako turned to see her brother glaring at her , and before she could say anything , he asked with frustration " are we seriously doing this again ?! No second thoughts about it whatsoever ?! "

" well ... I actually do have one ... how do you always manage to live your everyday life with one of your eyes covered with your hair bangs ? " Minako joked , but as she was met with Minato's even more angry expression , she laughed and placed her hand on his shoulder " don't worry , bro bro ! I promise you this won't be as embarrassing as last time , this time we're working for justice ! "

" lemme just say that I'm sacrificing a great deal of my self esteem for this "

" I always knew you were the best brother I could ask for , I don't think I could appreciate what you do to me any more than I already am " Minako tried to praise him just to make him feel a little better about the situation

" let's just get this over with "

The next morning , the members of SEES gathered in the lounge as usual for breakfast

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The next morning , the members of SEES gathered in the lounge as usual for breakfast . There was one different thing in this usual and mundane gathering , and that was the twins . They looked somewhat tired , especially Minato , who was so out of it that when he descended down the stairs , he didn't seem to pay attention where he was going , and tripped on the stairs going down , causing him to continuously tumble down the stairs all the way to the lounge . Meanwhile , Minako followed him in descending , in a normal way without tripping . As Minato silently grumbled while trying to stand up , Junpei greeted Minako in the morning , saying " morning , Minatan ! Are you ready to expose the one behind those shady photos "

" gOoD mORnIn—cough ! Cough ! " Minako's voice was incredibly raspy and sharp , and she seemed to barely whisper it making it barely audible , mot to mention she seemed to be in pain just from trying to speak

" Minato ! Are you alright ? " Yukari rushed to Minato's side to check up on him

" I—cough ! ... aM fiNe—cough ! " Minato's condition didn't seem any better than his sister's

" what's wrong ? Are you sick ? "

" wait ! " Junpei realized " don't tell me you actually kept singing last night until your throats literally gave up ! "

" what ?! " Yukari exclaimed" why would you do that ?! "

" I dOn'T cArE ... " Minato painfully pulled those words out of his throat

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