Minako Arisato - Part 5

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Ken was on his way back from the school , when he stopped at Iwatodai mall . His memory was a jumbled mess of mistakes and accusations . The world was ending before him . All he wanted was to avenge his mother , as her killer was never brought to justice . However , everything went against his wish , his best friend and first crush fell in love with his mother's killer , and said killer turned out to be really kind and caring to those close to him . How did someone like him turn out to be the so kind , or rather , how did someone so kind and caring turn out to be the killer ? Before he knew it , he was the bad guy for only wanting his mother's killer to be punished .

It was obvious to him now , that he had enough time to let the situation simmer down in his mind . It was because he had no care for other innocent people who could have gotten involved in his revenge plot . When he carried out his revenge plot , he thought little of those around him , because he was planning to follow his mother after exacting his revenge , and now he was witnessing the aftermath of his actions . He really ended up like Shinjiro .

" all I do is cause trouble ... everyone will be better off if I just disappear ... " Ken mumbled as he looked at the roof of the mall

" Ken ? Is that you ? " Minako's voice snapped Ken of his thoughts

Ken was surprised and a little depressed that he met Minako outside , especially with the idea that he had brought upon every misfortune that had happened to her since Shinjiro was shot down protecting him , even after Minako had reassured him tha...

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Ken was surprised and a little depressed that he met Minako outside , especially with the idea that he had brought upon every misfortune that had happened to her since Shinjiro was shot down protecting him , even after Minako had reassured him that it wasn't his fault . For the last few days he was trying to avoid her , as he felt his conscious tearing him in half whenever he so much as heard her voice , let alone speak with her . However , there was no escaping that encounter .

" oh ! Howdy , Ken ! " Minako chirped as she approached him , smiling like there was nothing wrong at all " how's it going ? "

" I ... I was about to go home "

" well , I was about to get you a little something " Minako gently pulled him by the wrist " but since you're here , you might as well come with me "

" wh—what ?! "

" c'mon , it won't take too long "

Minako had Ken follow her into the bookstore . She greeted the old owners of the store with her usual friendly demeanor , and spoke with them about school for a minute , before turning the books and scanning them for a certain manga . Then suddenly , she pulled out an edition of Pheonix Ranger Featherman , which was titled ' R3 - the sinister wings ' .

" is that ... the new teaser edition ... for the new series ?! " Ken was shocked and thrilled to see it

" Well I thought you'd like it " Minako nodded

" oh ... well ... " Ken hesitated " I ... I guess that's good ... "

" great ! " Minako knew that when Ken would say that in that way , it would definitely mean that he was itching to read " this'll be for you ... and for me ... ooh ! Eternal Crusaders Nexus Cross ! "

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