Mitsuru Kirijo - Part 4

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Minako entered that room she had been frequenting for the past month , and saw Shinjiro lying in his bed . She was hoping that maybe something had changed , and that he might possibly wake up even though the Dark Hour hasn't ended . However , he remained in his coma . She approached him slowly , and even when she sat by his side , she kept her eyes casted downward, as if she was scared to look at him .

" good ... good ... morning ... " Minako stuttered as she forced a smile " how have you been ... ? I ... w—well ... I'm fine ... "

Minako stopped for a second , as she felt a sob rising up , and she did her best to swallow it back . However , it was followed by another one faster than she could keep up , and the next thing she knew , she was crying .

" this is ... hilarious ... " Minako muttered " even when you're in a coma , I can't lie to you , can I ? L—listen , Shin-chan ... I ... I failed ... I failed you ! The whole thing ... about ending the Dark Hour ... by defeating the twelve McGuffins ... that was a lie ! The guy who was our chairman ... he lied to us , can you believe that ? Apparently ... he was using us the whole time ... long story short , he was trying to rule the world by .... no ! "

The devices around Shinjiiro began beeping wildly , which indicated that his condition worsened . The nurse that was sitting in the room hurriedly called a doctor , meanwhile Minako was paralyzed in her seat . She had mentioned before that she only wanted him to stay alive for one month for her to end the Dark Hour , but he did ... and she failed ...

The beeping stabilized again , which meant that Shinjiro's condition is back to normal , as normal as it had been at least . Minako anxiously clutched his hand and brought it closer to herself .

" Shin-chan ! You can hear me , I know you can ! " Minako earnestly cried " I know I broke our promise , but don't break yours yet , please ! Just give me more time , I can still think of something  ! I can still end the Dark Hour ! Don't give up on me just yet , please ! "

" Shin-chan ! You can hear me , I know you can ! " Minako earnestly cried " I know I broke our promise , but don't break yours yet , please ! Just give me more time , I can still think of something  ! I can still end the Dark Hour ! Don't give up ...

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Following the death of Mr. Ikutsuki , the previous chairman of the dorm , the dorm was obviously assigned a new chairman . However , the members of SEES were too depressed to think about that . As if not knowing how to end the Dark Hour wasn't bad enough , as for the first time since they formed SEES , its members were uncertain of what exactly they were fighting against , to say nothing about how their most prominent and dominant member received a traumatic experience beyond what they could react to . The gossipers were not stopping at all , either , with some sympathizing with her while others wonder if she would inherit the Kirijo group , and some even heard that she was to be married soon in an arranged wedding . She was an only child , so there was a lot to arrange , and her teammates wondered if she would actually leave SEES . A lot was on their minds as they rode the monorail back home

" where's Minatan ... ? " Junpei looked at his friends

" Shinjiro ... " Minato replied with one word , which explained everything

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