Fuuka Yamagishi - Part 5

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The girl stayed in the dorm by herself . Her anxiety was running rampant , one second she looks at the full menacing moon , one second she sits in the lounge , one second she lies in the bed . Then suddenly , she heard a faint voice . Knowing she was alone in the dorm , she knew what that voice was , and panicked . She was the next victim , it was inevitable .

" ... YoU aRE hoRRIbLe ...YOu arE a HOrIbLe pERsOn ... "

" no ! I don't wanna hear it ! " She wailed " shut up ! I don't wanna hear that voice ! "

" oNE fRIENd iS lOSt , tHE rEST ArE uNCoNscious . YOu bROUght thIs ON YoUrsSELves "

" no ! Shut up ! I don't wanna hear that voice ! "


" That voice ... calling me ... " her senses quickly became numb and she found herself walking out of the dorm " Fuu...Ka... "

" Mi

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" Mi...to...resp...."

The communication device was only a pain for Minato to deal with and a cause of frustration , his patience had run out and he picked the device from his ear and almost smashed it on the ground , but instead took a deep breath and put the device in his pocket . He was tense as he wasn't off to a good start with the operation . As soon as the Dark Hour began , Minato had lost consciousness and when he woke up he found himself in Tartarus . He wasn't too worried about himself as the intel his sister had gathered in her last operation was more than enough for him to keep the situation under control without Mitsuru in line , and he brought a notebook and started drawing a map of his surroundings to make up for the lack of a navigator , and in case Fuuka wasn't capable of bringing them back . His first goal was determining which wall can be passed through , and it didn't take him long to determine that the walls near the faces are indeed the ones that can be walked through .

" I see you're doing fine " Minato was surprised to hear the voice of the boy from their room

" you're here , too ?! "

" indeed , this is the first time we speak outside your sanctuary "

" if you came to tell me about the ordeal , then thanks " Minato walked past him " I'm working on surpassing it , and I do want to use every second I have "

" I came to tell you that your sibling is already undergoing the ordeal "

" what ?!" Minato froze in place

" her success depends on you . There's someone in Tartarus you need to find . Without that person , you cannot defeat the new opponent of this night , and I'd hate to imagine what would happen to you two . I advice you to hasten your pace . Good luck "

The boy disappeared in the dark corridors of Tartarus , his message was clear , and Minato immediately picked up the pace . He could only hope his sister could hold off the shadow long enough for him to find Fuuka and return .

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