Brave hearts

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" Minato ! "

" huh ? Minako ? What're you doing here ? "

The twins met at the Hakagura ramen restaurant in Iwatodai strip mall by pure coincidence . A coincidence they were both glad it happened . So far their life had been very busy and ... well ... lively . They barely had time to spend with each other and talk things out . Even when surrounded with many friends , they still needed some time for themselves , just the two of them , in this huge and confusing world .

" my treat ! " both of them exclaimed at the same time , before laughing sheepishly and awkwardly

" the usual ? " Minato shrugged

" winner treats the loser " Minako said , even though both of them realized it should usually be the other way around

" Rock ! Paper ! Scissor ! "

Let's just say it was Minako who ended up treating her brother .

The restaurant was crowded , so much so that the twins barely found a spot for themselves , and they even thought that they would be ignored , but their dishes came with little delay

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The restaurant was crowded , so much so that the twins barely found a spot for themselves , and they even thought that they would be ignored , but their dishes came with little delay . As they started eating , the noise behind them was muted , and they felt the serenity of being together . Life was never easy on them , they constantly had to move from one city to another , and from one relative to another . They never found a sanctuary for themselves , except for those precious moments they spent together . They would talk about all sorts of things , boys and girls , anime and video games , music , and the world around them and what they feel about it . However , they didn't really need to talk , as the very idea that they were by themselves was enough to make them feel content .

" so ... how's life ? " Minako said

" I don't know " Minato sighed " I always thought our life was a roller coaster into the fog . Messy and chaotic with no clear end or future in sight . Now that I'm sitting here , I feel like an idiot for thinking that way . I mean ... Persona ? Social links ? Shadows ? Dark Hour ? "

" I don't know ... I like how things are turning out . I feel like a magical girl or a black mage . Don't you feel the same ? "

" I'll be lying if I say I don't . I do feel like a superhero with it "

" besides , in my whole life I've always hid behind you , brother . I just smile through my troubles and pretend like nothing is wrong . Until I either get used to it or until something changes ... usually that would be you interfering " a bitter smile appeared on Minako's face as she stared at her bowl " with the power of Persona , I feel like I can stand up for myself , that I don't need to drag you down for my sake "

" talk all you want " Minato laughed sarcastically " but there's no denying that I still needed to get you out of Tartarus when that Reaper attacked us "

" oh come on ! I put up a good fight in there ! "

" I'm kidding . You were great back there . In fact , I think the only reason you were knocked out was because you were ambushed . If it was you coming to my rescue , I'm sure you would have done just as well "

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