Deep breath in the hot springs -Part 1

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After such an eventful day , students were ready to hit the hot springs . However , the inn didn't have separate hot springs for each gender , but instead had certain hours for female visitors and certain hours for male visitors .

The warmth of the hot spring tickled Minato's skin , as he let himself sink slowly into it steaming waters . While the other boys were messing around the spring , he was content with just plugging his earphones in his ears , and blasting one of his favorite music , and just relax .

" did you know that this hot spring is open to boys during certain times of the day and to girls during other times ? " Ryoji suggested

" I don't care " Minato mumbled

" dude , for real ?! " Kenji asked eagerly " then there's a chance it could change to girls only while we're bathing ? Boy ! That would be awesome ! "

" well , I mean if that happens , it's not our fault , is it ? " Junpei thought

" I don't know ... " Kaz mumbled " I still think it would be our fault "

" so when does it change from guys only to girls only ? " Akihiko interfered with a troubled look on his face

" we should be fine " Minato replied nonchalantly " I checked the clock in our room , and there's still two hours for us boys to have a soak in the bath "

However , just as Minato finished his sentence , the door of the bath was slid open , and in came Minako jumping toward the warm waters .

" AHH !!! The water is boiling hot ! " she screamed

" of course it is ! " Mitsuru sighed " honestly , learn to be a little more modest "

The boys quickly hid behind one of the boulders , their hearts at their throats , as they watched Minako , Yukari , Fuuka , Mitsuru , Aigis and even Yuko , Rio and Natsuki enter the hot spring .

" m-maybe if we told them this is just a misunderstanding ... " Junpei started

" moron ! " Akihiko hissed at him " that's Mitsuru among them , she won't listen to any excuses once she sees us in her ! The moment our eyes meet , she'll execute us ! "

" ex... execute ?! "

" oh man ! " Ryoji said lustfully , not paying any attention to the boys , but instead he actually stood up and began walking toward the girls " the girls there , completely naked ! I must see this ! "

" moron ! " Junpei shoved Ryoji's head into the water " didn't you hear what he said ?! EXECUTE !!! "

" what was that ? Is anyone there ? " Minako's voice interrupted and froze the boys in their tracks

" what was that ? Is anyone there ? " Minako's voice interrupted and froze the boys in their tracks

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Just a few minutes earlier , the girls were preparing to enter the hot springs . Aigis insisted on joining them , and Yukari was a little anxious about Aigis's robotic parts being revealed , but when Aigis took off her Yukata , her dorm mates were impressed to see that her metallic joins were covered with rubber skin .

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