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The nurse entered Shinjiro's room , and there she saw Minako sitting by his side . The sun was shining brightly outside , giving a feeling of life and hope to the room of someone who didn't seem to have much hope left in life .

" ... after the boys were caught in the pool , they started to claim that Minato and Akihiko senpai were in the pool as well " Minako happily narrated her trip to Kyoto " the girls didn't believe them , but we still searched the pool . Would you believe it , I found Minato and Akihiko senpai hiding ! Though , I decided to hide their presence to others , and I ended up promising them to keep it a secret ... ah ! Actually , I just realized I broke the promise ... you're going to keep this a secret , right ? I know you will " Minako held Shinjiro's hand " going on this school trip was so fun ... let's go together next time , okay ? "

The nurse stared at Minako as she stood up , and walked toward door .

" thank you , Yuzuru-san " Minako remembered to thank the nurse before leaving " please take care of him "

" I will ... " the nurse replied dryly

She could see a faint glint in Minako's eyes , as if she was holding tears back . She watched her as she left the room , until she was out of sight . She then turned and approached Shinjiro  .

" mmh ... Mi... Mina...ko ... "

Her eyes were widely opened with disbelief as she stared at Shinjiro , who murmured for a second . She was surprised and confused , but before she could wrap her mind around the situation , the devices around the patient began beeping alarmingly .

 She was surprised and confused , but before she could wrap her mind around the situation , the devices around the patient began beeping alarmingly

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The members of SEES were making their way to the monorail from the school , on their daily stroll between the school and the dorm . However , they noticed that the streets were different , and there was a strange subtle , yet still noticeable , presence of strange fliers , pamphlets and posters scattered around . Some were in garbage cans , others were on walls in a messy and scattered fashion . Akihiko picked one of them and read through it .

" salvation shall be brought upon this sinful world ... believe ... and you will ... be saved ? What ? "

" salvation , huh ? That sounds familiar ... and not in a good way " Yukari sighed

" what should we do ? I don't think we should ignore this " Fuuka mumbled

" do you think this is related to the Dark Hour ? " Yukari asked anxiously " does that mean there's another person like Ikutsuki ? "

" if it's not related to the Dark Hour , then there's nothing we need to do " Mitsuru replied " and if it is related , then there's nothing we can do  , not when it's daytime , anyway "

" maybe we'll have the answers we need in Tartarus " Minato suggested " let's go there at our earliest convenience "

" I'd say tomorrow or the day after it is fine , what do you think ? " Minako suggested , and the others nodded in along . Then Minako noticed " by the way , I don't see Ryoji and Junpei around here ? "

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