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" ... I had to be strong so I could protect her ... Because unless it concerned me , she wouldn't object to anything ... For most of our middle school life , she never stood up or defended herself for anything ... "

The monorail was dashing through the tracks , filled to the brim with passengers

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The monorail was dashing through the tracks , filled to the brim with passengers . It was so crowded that there was barely a place to take one step . Among the lucky passengers who actually managed to find a seat , there was a blue haired boy who was wearing earphones , and his eyes were fixated on the ground , as if he was shutting the whole world out . On his shoulder rested a red haired girl who was sleeping , with earphones plugged in her ears . The monorail made a sudden jolt as it exited a tunnel , and the girl's head tipped slightly forward . While she didn't fall on the ground , that still woke her up . When she did wake up , she looked shocked and confused , and as the boy beside her noticed her anxiety , he looked at her and explained .

" the monorail had to make a detour from its usual path because of maintenance or something " he said as he took off his earphones " I wasn't honestly paying attention , but long story short ... that meant more passengers would ride this than usual "

" are we there yet ? " the girl asked

" nope , it'll take us another five stations " he shrugged as he was about to put on his earphones back " best that you go back to sleep , Minako "

" grandma will be lonely ... say , Minato , next week is her birthday "

" I'm not gonna talk about that in the crowd "

Minako pouted as her brother shut her off and returned to his isolated heaven of music , and what made the situation worse for her was that the music in her ears suddenly stopped , too . She looked at her MP3 player , and realized that she has forgotten to charge it and that the battery died . As her music player quitted , she became more aware of the world around her , and she realized that grownups surrounding them were glaring at them . They were the only youngsters sitting on the monorail while there were grownups standing , some of which were very old . She grew embarrassed and was about to stand up , but she felt a certain grip tighten around her arm , and realized her brother was holding her in place .

" what're you doing ?! "

" remain seated " Minato whispered

" there are elder people standing , it's disrespectful to sit down while they're standing ! "

" there are seats for the disabled , and we're not sitting on them , so it's not our problem "

" look , I'm not tired , okay ? I mean , I was on cleaning duty today , but I'm still not tired ! "

" I don't care , you'll remain seated and that's it " Minato glared at her angrily " the last thing I want to see in the hands of the boys in Sevens is a picture of your panties ! "

" my ... my what ? "

" there's a pervert tearing girls' skirts and taking pictures of their underwears , but not before feeling them . It's sickening ! "

PERSONA 3 RED and BLUE ( COMPLETED ) Where stories live. Discover now