Warm hearts

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The twins were preparing to leave their room , each of them was brushing their hair . Outside , the weather was both snowy and cloudy , giving the room a dreamy feeling , like it was both morning and night at the same time , blended together to create a pale day when light is not strong enough to keep you awake , but it was still a little too bright for you to go to sleep .

" why is it ... so cold here ... " Minato grumbled

" I think the boiler broke , there was no hot water when I went to take a shower "

" seriously ? It was acting up for three days now ! Why hasn't anyone fixed it ?! "

" I think a chairman is supposed to have someone fix it ... but this dorm has got a bad reputation for being cursed , or haven't you heard ? " Minako giggled " two chairmen have died in a row , people are scared of this place ! "

" ugh ... dammit ... " Minato sighed , as he stood and made his way to the door" I don't think I can blame them , with the Apathy Syndrome and all the disappearances , even I would've been superstitious "

" Minato ! " Minako stopped him , she hesitantly asked " about what Margaret said ... "

" I know we agreed with our friends on honesty , but so far everyone has broken that rule once . I think we're allowed to do that once , too, so long as it doesn't affect them "

" yeah ... I think telling them what Margaret said would hurt them more ... but how will we keep it a secret? "

" just do this " Minato turned to his sister , as he swiped the palm of his hand across his face , as if he was wearing a mask

" just do this " Minato turned to his sister , as he swiped the palm of his hand across his face , as if he was wearing a mask

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The students trudged through the snow to the school , as snowflakes were falling slowly from the sky . Maybe it was the Apathy Syndrome , maybe it was the patients becoming more erratic , but the city was starting to get more and more neglected . Trash and garbage was starting to accumulate , snow was building up in the streets , and posters were being plastered on the walls haphazardly and even on the snowy ground , to say nothing about the incomprehensible graffiti. The Dark Hour had become an undeniable phenomenon long ago , people were aware of an impending doom and were even talking about it . Maybe they weren't told directly, but the world around them was falling apart , slowly but surely .

" you know what I think ? " one student whispered " I think we're in for a zombie apocalypse ! "

" what ?! Where did that come from ?! "

" think about it ... these apathy dudes are going aggressive every so often , attacking and even biting people who mostly eventually get the apathy syndrome , too ! "

" is that true ? " the classmates looked at each other in doubt

" I think not ! " another scoffed " I mean people were getting sick even when they weren't bitten ! You probably just want to be a part of some action or survival horror movie ! "

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