Monorail madness ! - part 3

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Mitsuru was distraught by the fact that all of her communication devices had abruptly shut down . It was like suddenly they became no different than any device during the Dark Hour . Driven by anxiety , she ran into the station and onto the track , only to have her fears realized when she saw the monorail disappear into the distance .

It was a train wreck ... literally and figuratively . If she had known that the shadow can manipulate electric devices around it , she could have thought of a plan , but how could she have known about that ? She knew it could control the monorail , but to be able to stop their communication devices was something she was not anticipating

Panicked , she ran back to her devices . While they were functional again , she couldn't use them to communicate with her underclassmen as they were still inside the monorail , affected by the shadow . She could think of nothing  but calling Akihiko .

" Akihiko , do you read me ?! "

" loud and clear , Mitsuru " he said , noticing her voice was tense " what happened ? "

" I lost contact with the team ! They're trapped inside the monorail and it's accelerating at an alarming speed ! "

" what ?! Isn't there anything we can do ?! "

" I ... I don't think there is ... not that I could think of anything "

" I ... see ... " Akihiko sighed " remember when you said we should believe in them ? I think this is about the only thing we can do right now "

" ... right "

" nevertheless , I'll call the chairman . If anyone could think of anything , that would be him "

" you do that , I'll call you later should anything happen "

Mitsuru spoke quickly as her voice began to break , and once she closed off the communication , she had to hold her mouth to keep herself strong . Once again she was powerless to stop the disaster , and there was nothing she could do ...

The shadow knew that the SEES were coming for it , and it did everything it could to make it as frustrating for them as possible and slow them down as much as it could , by sending hoards of shadows at them , and braking and accelerating in an err...

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The shadow knew that the SEES were coming for it , and it did everything it could to make it as frustrating for them as possible and slow them down as much as it could , by sending hoards of shadows at them , and braking and accelerating in an erratic manner . Eventually they made it to the last cart and were face to face with the shadow . It was unlike anything they have ever seen . It was a giant humanoid which hair was spreading all over the compartment , and was wearing a purple mask .

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