Strega - Part 3

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Ever since Shinjiro and Aigis left the team to rescue their leaders , the other members of SEES had fought through many shadows , more than any time they had ever fought in Tartarus . There was no ending to the swarm of shadows that was attacking them , and the more they fought , the more exhausted they were becoming . As for Fuuka , they had her search for the twins and possibly where Shinjiro and Aigis were . At first , she was trying to follow Aigis and Shinjiro toward the twins , but the two of them disappeared halfway through the block , bringing her back to the beginning in her search . After so much fighting , Akihiko had the bright idea of sending Koromaru to look for the twins , hoping that he can detect their smell . It was the only thing that they could do at that moment .

" everyone ... " by the time Fuuka decided to call the other members again , she was already in tears " I can't find them ! I can't find our leaders ! I failed them ! I failed everyone !!! "

" Fuuka ! Calm down ! " Yukari anxiously responded , as she shot another arrow at a flying crow that was about to boost the shadows' strength " I'm sure Aragaki senpai and Aigis have reached them in time ! "

" yeah ! Besides , whatever our leaders were up agains , I'm sure they can handle it ! " Junpei exclaimed

" I believe in them , too ! " Ken nodded

" but ... but I ... " Fuuka sobbed

" Yamagishi , we're all worried about them , but we need you to concentrate ! " Mitsuru interrupted as she swiftly killed a lion shadow " we can't keep fighting like this , we need you to find us an escape route ! "

" o—okay , I'll look for an opening for you ! "

" o—okay , I'll look for an opening for you ! "

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Minato watched as his team crumbled before him . Minako had collapsed on the ground , Shinjiro and Aigis were cornered by the F.O.E , and he was about to be shot down by Takaya . He had a plan to turn the situation around , he realized what Takaya and Jin's weak spot was right now , and all he needed was to strike that spot , and their plan would crumble away . However , with the current state of his team , that basically impossible . A dark thought was filling his mind , that this was as far as he could go at the moment , that he had reached the limit of what he could achieve . There , in that impossible situation , the idea of the futility of fighting back seemed more convincing by the second . If he couldn't beat humans , why would he stand a chance again Nyx at all ???

all I need ... is one more chance ...

Just then , a familiar and faithful dog jumped at Takaya before Minato's eyes , and bit his arm viciously , causing him to misfire a bullet that struck the wall . It was Koromaru , and he had come all the way to fight alongside them . Takaya quickly shook Koromaru away , but by then Minato was already back on his feet , as Koromaru's mere entrance and intrusion had given him much of his mental strength and lost resolution . He thought that it was the miracle that he needed to make a comeback , and he wasn't going to waste it . So he quickly jumped at Takaya and tackled him to the floor , with his hands at his neck , trying to choke him .

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