Strega - Part 1

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The members of SEES were back in Tartarus again . While the last time they had been to Tartarus was problematic to say the least , this time with the return of Shinjiro and Aigis , they had a boost in morality . That is why , despite the sense of dread of what could be in store for them tonight lingered in their hearts , they were finally feeling confident stepping into it after all this time .

The only exception for that was Minako , who was glaring daggers at Shinjiro as he prepared himself to enter Tartarus for the first time in months .

" What is it ? " Shinjiro finally decided to confront her " you're practically digging a hole in the back of my head with your glaring ! "

" Nothing ! " Minako begrudgingly huffed

" She's still not convinced that you're in shape to explore Tartarus " Minato sighed " even after the residents of the velvet room assured us that the bond the two of you share has unlocked a new possiblity in your potential , Shinjiro , whatever that meant "

" I'm convinced ! I am , okay ?! " Minako impatiently interrupted , her eyes fixated on Shinjiro " look , all I'm saying is if I sense that your breathing is agitated EVEN SLIGHTLY , you're stepping back to the entrance of Tartarus to stay there with Fuuka , okay ?!! "

" Uh huh ... Whatever you say , leader " Shinjiro shrugged

" I'm glad you're convinced " Minato sighed along with Shinjiro " I'd hate to think how you would react if you weren't"

" I'm glad you're convinced " Minato sighed along with Shinjiro " I'd hate to think how you would react if you weren't"

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The members of SEES ascended into the last floor that they had reached back then . It was just as dark and unsettling as they had found it last time , but before could anyone remark anything , Minato took out lantern before sternly telling everyone to ' shut up ' . They were about to begin their ascension , when Fuuka anxiously and abruptly stopped them .

" I ... I don't sense any enemies in here ! " Fuuka anxiously exclaimed " something isn't right ! "

" the Reaper ?! Again ?! " Yukari sighed " we'll never reach the top at this rate ! "

" n-no ... wait a second ... " Fuuka seemed confused " I don't sense the Reaper , either ... "

" what ? That's unusual... " Mitsuru pondered " by now , the Reaper would be approaching us ... "

" not only that , but the F.O.E of this block hasn't tried to separate us yet , while it attacked us as early as the entrance last time " Akihiko looked around doubtfully " something is a miss ... we need to be careful... "

" You hit your or something , Aki ? " Shinjiro grinned " since when were you the person talking about being careful ? "

" heh ... you have a lot to catch up to , if even this struck you as impressive , Shinji " Akihiko grinned back

" Shin-chan ... it's still not too late ... " Minako asked Shinjiro seriously " Fuuka can still teleport you back even from here , why don't you go back ... ? "

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