The reason I fight

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The next night , Minato had a nightmare . He had been experiencing that nightmare every several months , or at least variations of the nightmare . He dreamt that he was walking on a bridge that was swaying during  a gale in a jellylike way that defied how solid a street or a bridge should be . On the bridge Minato saw two figures in the distance facing each other . However , they were so distant he couldn't distinguish how they looked like .

The bridge began swaying even more , causing Minato to trip , when he stood up again , the two had gone . Instead there was a car parked on the side . Inside he saw a girl sitting there . Minato found himself running toward her . As soon as he reached her he felt his foot sinking , and he wondered if the bridge had collapsed .

Minato's eyes snapped open , and he was jolted from his slumber . He looked around and found himself in a desert . The wind blew a picture in his face . It was a family picture of two children whose faces were blurred out and the parents whose faces were ripped out . His attention was averted from the picture when he heard sobbing . He looked and saw a girl weeping in front of him with her back facing him . He found himself walking up to her and hugging her , and she slowly calmed down .

That's where his dream ended .

Minato opened his eyes to the cheerful face of his sister " rise and shine , sleepy head " she chirped

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Minato opened his eyes to the cheerful face of his sister " rise and shine , sleepy head " she chirped

" ugh ... what time is it ? " Minato yawned and clutched his forehead as he struggled to stand up .

" 07:37 ... is it too early ? "

" no ... I'm glad I woke up , that dream wasn't something I enjoyed "

" the same dream ? The swinging bridge and everything ? "

" yeah ... that "

" you wanna talk about it ? "

" I'm fine ... this dream wasn't as scary as usual "

" yeah ... I remember the first time you had it , you ran to grandma crying—"

" yeah ... details " Minato brushed it off irritatedly

" anyway " Minako said as she attached her hairpins in place " the chairman is coming to the dorm to check in on us this afternoon "

" guess I should brace myself for his puns .... again " .

Indeed the chairman arrived at noon , and he gave cupcakes to the team . When asked for the occasion , he laughed and said " well I decided to bake a cake for you all ... it's the YEAST I can do for you ! "

" did ... did you just say ' yeast ' ? " Junpei raised an eyebrow

" it's delicious ! Thanks for the cakes " Minako stuffed one in her mouth

" yeah , but not for the pun " Minato said as he took a bite " did you bake all of this just to crack that joke ? "

" I'm just T-RYE-ING to be funny , that's all " the chairman laughed

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