Junpei Iori - part 1

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Minako sensed a familiar presence in their room , it was the boy in rags again . At the time , Minato was already sleeping , so Minako was the only one to welcome the boy .

" hello again , Gumball ! " Minako said in a low voice to not wake her brother " you're here to warn us of the upcoming full moon , right ? "

" Indeed " the boy smiled " I suppose I don't need to , though . You're already prepared , I see ... "

" of course ! We're gonna ace the upcoming operation ! " Minako said happily , before noticing her brother shifting in his bed , so she kept her voice low as she talked to the boy in rags " we got many new members this month , one of them is Aragaki-san, who's very strong and even more reliable ! Fighting the full moon shadow would be a breeze ! "

" you look happy " the boy smiled " I'm glad to see you happy , my dearest "

" hmm ... actually ... " Minako pondered " Minato would just make fun of me if I say that , but what if you  called me   ' my queen '  ? "

" my queen ... I think I could do that " the boy liked the idea somehow " I think it's fitting for you to be a queen "

" thanks ! Anyway , you don't need to worry about the full moon shadow , we're gonna rip it a new one no sweat ! "

" thanks ! Anyway , you don't need to worry about the full moon shadow , we're gonna rip it a new one no sweat ! "

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Junpei sighed as he left the cinema . It was the same every year , that sickening feeling that he achieved nothing whenever a school year begins . Summer vacation is already over , and now he had to start dealing with teachers , homework and exams all over again . He always wondered why vacations were so short , and he really hated how school days drag on and on . This summer vacation was admittedly unique , with him awakening to his Persona , and fighting shadows and exploring Tartarus . His life could never have been further from the ordinary , but whenever he started thinking about it he remembered that they were on a quick pace to end the Dark Hour . What would he do after that .

" you have a lot more going for you than you think " Minako's words rang back in his mind , and he wondered if he was as amazing as she described him

" can you move ? " a low yet stern feminine voice interrupted his chain of thoughts

" uh ... what ? " Junpei found himself standing in front of a girl wearing a gothic outfit and glaring at him with a sketchbook in hand

" I can't see , move "

" uh ... sorry " Junpei moved out of the way slightly

The girl didn't respond and kept drawing . Junpei tried to sneak a peek at her sketchbook , but he couldn't even begin to understand what was in it . He shrugged and walked away , thinking the whole thing was totally weird . In the distance he stopped , and looked back at her . Something about her made him feel curious , and he decided to approach her again .

" you again ? " the girl noticed him approaching her just as she closed her notebook

" oh ... surprised you remember me . I'm Junpei , what's your name ? " Junpei said , before lowering is head in disappointment as she ignored him " fine ... ignore me ... "

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