The immovable object

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The twins reached the roof of Tartarus , high above the clouds , where no building reached where they were , making them feel even more alone . Above them , the menacing full moon was hanging . Before them , a person stood , a person that had been with them on this journey since the very beginning . It was Ryoji . However , it was apparent that the Ryoji that they had known was long gone , for the boy standing before them was enveloped in darkness , at times making only his silhouette distinguishable.

" Ryoji ? " Minako asked , as if she was still hoping Ryoji was there .

" that was my name for a time, I didn't mind it " he replied in an inhuman voice , making it clear that what was left of their friend was long gone " I am merely a harbinger of the fall , but as we speak , Nyx has become one and the same with me "

" that doesn't matter , we're here to defeat Nyx ! " Minato stepped forward and said confidently , giving his sister a burst of confidence that she needed

" surely you have realized it by now . We are the very dread that humanity fears , the very fate they cannot escape . If you know that , then surely you understand the futility of your action , so why do you resist ? Do you not understand what you are fighting ? Are you not scared ?"

" we are scared , but we're willing to face our fears ! " Minako responded sternly

" I see ... "

He was covered in darkness , as he floated up into the moon . His face lost all the color it had , his eyes drained into pitch black holes , wings appeared from his back and stretched across the sky , and he grew in size beyond their expectations . It was a monster , a monster that they had to face alone . The ringing of the bells seemed to announce the beginning of the final battle , as they chimed seven times .

 The ringing of the bells seemed to announce the beginning of the final battle , as they chimed seven times

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" the moment son and daughter of Adam devoured the fruit of knowledge , they sealed their fate . Entrusting their life to the cards , they cling to a dim hope . Indeed , thy arcana is the means by which all is revealed "

" wh-what ? " The twins stared at Nyx's Avatar , unsure of what he was about to do

" should thou desire to reach for the stars , thine resolution must never falter in the face of life " a tarot card of the Magician Arcana appeared before Nyx's Avatar , and as soon as it disappeared , a hundred sword emerged from his back .

" it begins ! Get ready ! " Minato pulled his evoker " Kali ! "

" I summon you , Black Frost ! " Minako quickly followed

Kali blocked and parried the endless parade of swords that lunged toward her and Minato , while Black Frost playfully bounced around with Minako above it , dodging the swords to his best effort . However , one slash found its way through Kali's defense , and she was struck down . Immediately , all the other swords lunged toward Minato . Minako called King Frost and blocked the swords with a giant ice berg , bu the swords pierced the iceberg repeatedly , until their shattered it . Just when it seemed like Minako's defense was destroyed , her brother jumped on one of the hands and from there he jumped high in the sky , while airborne he quickly called Surt , and set them all ablaze . Minako followed his pace in hope to finally push on the offensive , calling Mother Harlot to restrain the hands , while Minato used the opening to call Orpheus Picaro , and lunging toward Nyx's Avatar himself .

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