Mitsuru Kirijo - Part 2

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" FATHER !!! "

The little girl could only watch in horror as a shadow crept toward her father . The security guards were powerless to stop it , as it effortlessly flung them away the moment they tried to interfere . The brave girl stood between the shadow and her father one more time , her heart beating agitatedly , and her legs shaking .

" Mitsuru ! No ! Run ! " her father screamed

However , just before his eyes , Mitsuru clutched her head and screamed in pain . For a second , they feared that she might have transformed into a shadow , but before their eyes , a Persona appeared in front of her .

" should thou desire my presence , thou only need to call out my name . Thou art I , and I am thou . I shall be thy strength in thine pursuit to correct the mistakes of the past . My name is Penthesilea ! "

The newly emerged Persona swiftly slashed across the shadow , instantly defeating it , before disappearing into the area like some kind of an illusion . After her new Persona disappeared , Mitsuru felt weak in her legs , and her vision blurred , before she lost her consciousness and collapsed on the ground .

" that was amazing , Miss Kirijo ! " the scientists exclaimed excitedly " you actually awakened to a Persona naturally ! There's so much we can ... ! "

" ENOUGH !!! " Mr. Kirijo shoved them aside as he cuddled his unconscious daughter " don't act like it's a good thing ! Against my wishes , she awakened to a Persona , now there is no escaping the burden of our family for her ... "

The members of SEES anxiously followed after Mitsuru to the Tartarus

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The members of SEES anxiously followed after Mitsuru to the Tartarus . As they got closer and closer to it , Minako noticed that it had become taller than she remembered , and that made her anxious . They were worried and upset that the Dark Hour was not gone yet , but what if the situation was much worse than that . However , she had little time to contemplate or even suggest that , as Mitsuru furiously demanded that they go to Tartarus immediately . When they arrived at the entrance , they saw Mr. Ikutsuki standing at the entrance with a dazed looking Aigis on his side . He had his usual endearing smile , but they were not here for jokes , they came for answers .

" Ai-san ? " Minako noticed something was wrong with Aigis " what happened to you ? Why are you here ? "

" she's merely here to fulfill her role , as a weapon "

" a weapon ? " Minako didn't like the sound of that " Ai-san is our friend "

" Aigis is an anti shadow weapon , that's what she's always been "

" you said the Dark Hour and Tartarus would disappear if we defeat the twelve shadows that appear during nights of full moon " Akihiko asked anxiously before Minako could understand what Mr. Ikutsuki meant " that's the only reason we fought so hard , so what's going on here ?! What is it that we missed ?! "

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