Trapped - part 3

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Minako stood face to face with the shadow of the Justice arcana , the flying cannon . It was aiming at her , and its shot would mostly likely kill her with one blast , but she couldn't move to avoid it . Her legs had solidified so she couldn't move them , and her hand was paralyzed so she couldn't use her evoker . Her mind was screaming at her to move , but her body wasn't responding . Death seemed inevitable ... until...

" Hermes ! "

Junpei's Persona came charging at the cannon , but it still missed it . However , it disoriented it and it snapped Minako out of her dazed state . Junpei came running after his Persona , he quickly grabbed Minako's arm and ran away from the shadow . The corridor in front of them exploded , but they made it just in time for the pathway to collapse behind them , separating them from the shadow that was pursuing them .

" never fear , Ace Destructive Junpei is here ! " Junpei proudly declared , but then he took a look at Minako and saw that she was crying " ack ! Minatan ! Are you okay ?! "

" s—sorry ... " Minako tried to laugh it off but she was still shaken by the whole experience " I just panicked and didn't know what to do ... even though I would be the leader sometimes , I'm such a joke , right ? "

" don't say that ! Fuuka told me you held your ground pretty well , so you should be more proud of yourself "

" thanks , Junpei ... " Minako let a sigh of relief

" let's just regroup with the others , you'll feel better when you meet your brother , right ? "

" let's just regroup with the others , you'll feel better when you meet your brother , right ? "

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"Minato ! " Fuuka called " Junpei just contacted me and said that Minako is safe ! "

" I see " Minato nodded " tell them to return to the entrance and regroup with you and Mitsuru "

" I ... The path back to the entrance is collapsed , I think it's easier for them to meet you and the others "

" I see ... "

Minato found himself a new threat to be concerned about . With the base collapsing over them , their options for movements are becoming more limited by the minute , and if they drag this for too long , they could end up trapped forever . Minato instructed Fuuka to guide Junpei and Minako back to the team , and she complied . As for Minato , he decided he read enough journals about the tank with what little time they had , and he asked Mitsuru to guide him to where the shadow was . It didn't take long for him to encounter the flying cannon part .

" Arisato , be careful ! " Mitsuru said sternly " there are two full moon shadows we must eliminate ! This is the Justice arcana , and somewhere in the base the Chariot arcana is still lurking . They attach and detach according to the situation "

" I got this " Minato pulled his evoker " Eligor ! "

However , the shadow easily dodged his attack , and even after Aigis followed he still managed to dodge it .

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