The unstoppable force

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Akihiko weakened Nyx's Avatar , while Aigis strengthened the team . Mitsuru quickly got behind Nyx's Avatar , and called Artemisia to bind his wings so he couldn't block them off . However , Nyx's Avatar raised his hands , and explosions began to rise again from under the ground . Instantly defeating any Persona that was struck by it . Junpei , Ken and Koromaru's Personas were all instantly defeated and sealed by that attack , the same happened to Mitsuru who was charmed as a result of that attack , but Yukari was quick to heal her .

Minato called Orpheus Picaro who lunged toward Nyx's Avatar , along with Aigis's Athena and Shinjiro's Aeneas . However , Nyx's Avatar effortlessly parried and countered them . Minako quickly soared with her Persona to attack him , bu he blocked her attack with a powerful barrier .

" not good enough ... " Nyx's Avatar muttered " your resolution is a sight to behold , but it is futile "

" will you shut up already ! " Minako yelled at him , as she began shining with a bright light

" we're sick of hearing that word and proving it wrong ! " Minato yelled as well , as he began shining

" it's ... it's that power ! "

" come ! Persona !!! "

Two new Personas emerged above the twins , both bore white wings and were bound to a pillar and both shining like the sun . Nyx's Avatar reached out to slash at them , but one of them held his sword , before shattering it with nothing but his left fist . Everyone stood in awe at the shear power of this new Persona . One of the two Personas raised his hand , and immediately shining chains emerged from the ground and bounded  Nyx's Avatar . The other grabbed his own wings and used them as if they were a bow , shooting a shining arrow into Nyx's Avatar's face , breaking the mask in half . He held his face in pain as he slumped fo the ground .

Silence spread in the roof of Tartarus , which was only broken by the sound of the bells ringing twelve times . They managed to defeat Nyx's Avatar , and in the nick of time .

The members of SEES began feeling the sensation of soft wind passing through them , as Nyx's Avatar slowly began rising with every chime of the bells of Tartarus

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The members of SEES began feeling the sensation of soft wind passing through them , as Nyx's Avatar slowly began rising with every chime of the bells of Tartarus . The bells stopped at the twelfth chime , and it was only then that Nyx's Avatar raised his face to look at the Persona users who defeated him . Half of his mask had fallen off , leaving nothing by endless black in that place .

" such a pity " he said monotonously " You understand fate , you accept the inevitability of your existence , yet you still fight against it with all of your will . You don't just fight , you fight with everything you have , pushing yourself way beyond your limit just to live "

" Ryoji ... "

" if there were more people like you ... then perhaps the fall could have been prevented ... but it's too late now "

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